Sonja Aiello, 23, learned one important thing through the public divorce

Sonja Aiello says that she dreamed of working in the public sector when she was young. Today, he has more than 67,000 followers on Instagram.

Well-being coach and content producer Sonja Aiello, 23, has created her own brand and career at a young age. However, publicity has also brought with it moments that have made him think about his own career in that field.

Aiello’s career in social media started on YouTube when he was still a minor. He says that he has always been interested in a public profession and social media work.

Aiello wanted to start making videos for his own YouTube channel, but when he lived in Hyvinkää, making them alone was exciting. He persuaded his older sister Sofia Aiello-Tikan27, along and they founded a joint YouTube channel.

Aiello says he has always been very close with his sister, so starting a joint channel was only natural. The sisters are four years apart in age, which has sometimes also produced challenges in life.

– It was a tough place, especially when Sofia turned 18 and I was only 14. The difference was big then, but I still wanted to live like an adult all the time. I told our mother that yes, I can also go there with Sofia, Aiello recalls.

Sonja says that she dreams of a life similar to her big sister’s in the future. Ownership, family and a happy relationship are strongly among the future goals. Inka Soveri

Too young

The sisters had time to shoot YouTube videos for a year, until they started preparing together for the first bikini fitness competitions of their lives. They decided to capture the journey towards the competitions completely honestly in their videos. This increased their popularity even more.

So far, the video about the sisters’ first competitions has been viewed more than 430,000 times on their old YouTube channel.

Sofia finished in the prize positions in those games, but Aiello’s own first competitions did not go as he had thought.

– I had just turned 18, and I didn’t even make it to the final. In retrospect, I went to compete way too young. Today, I’m not surprised that I didn’t even make it to the final, but then it was a really tough place for me. I went on stage with the attitude that I was going to win. It was a really educational experience, Aiello admits.

Aiello says that he wants to continue working with people and well-being. – Online coaching does have a future, I want to renew and develop this concept myself. Yes, there are always people who want to be well and invest in themselves, Sonja states. Inka Soveri

Four years have passed since the first fitness competition. Aiello says he wants to get on stage one more time, but after that the competitions will most likely be behind him.

– I don’t see a long career for myself as a fitness athlete. I want to be really proud of myself and my performance one more time, then I can leave fitness. At the moment, I am most interested in coaching and the business side and helping other people, he opens.

Aiello doesn’t feel that he’s letting his followers down, even if the competition is out of the question.

– Sure, I’ll lose the bikini fitness title at that point, but that doesn’t bother me. However, a healthy lifestyle and sports will always be reflected in my content, Aiello states.

Today, Aiello, who lives in Helsinki, has his own YouTube channel. In addition, he has trained as a personal trainer and coaches thousands of Finns through his online coaching.

Aiello reveals that he does not dream of competing at the international level. Inka Soveri

Nasty things

Aiello says that he has always been a follower of his own path. He has heard from his parents that even as a child he could spend several hours playing alone. In adults, the situation is very similar.

– I still have a lot of fun alone. Of course, I also need people around me sometimes, Aiello states.

When talking about childhood, Aiello becomes contemplative and even a little sad. Aiello says that there were many arguments between his parents, but peace entered the house after their separation. Today, all of them are on good terms with each other.

Sonja says that she has been thinking a lot lately about what things she wants to say in public. – Yes, maybe I really have turned to the fact that I don’t want a public relationship in the future. Inka Soveri

– I remember my childhood somewhat negatively because of my parents. Since I was so small, I remember a lot of bad things from there. Of course, with age, I have also remembered those good moments. So I don’t feel that I had a bad childhood.

– There have been more ups and downs with my father and periods when we were not in contact, but at the moment we are close. I’m really grateful that it’s like this now. I see from dad that he has found a balance in life. I’ve always had a good relationship with my mother, she knows everything about me, Aiello says happily.

Public separation

In the spring, Aiello’s life changed radically when he broke up with the rap artist William aka Ville Virtase. The couple was living together at the time, and the end of the relationship also meant moving alone. Aiello says that he felt really bad in the spring, but at the moment the situation is better.

Aiello says that especially in the spring, he felt a great need to talk about the separation publicly, but at the moment his feelings about the matter are very neutral. He reveals that he learned one important thing in particular from the breakup.

– I have realized that I can only talk about things from my own point of view, Aiello admits.

Aiello hopes that his future partner has a passion that he puts his full effort into. Inka Soveri

– I wouldn’t want us to be connected to each other in the future, but I understand that this will happen for a long time to come. We were a very visible couple, he continues.

Today, Aiello, who is enjoying himself single, says that he found a big help from professionals. He urges everyone in a difficult life situation to seek help and discuss issues with other people. Aiello says that professional help also helps him deal with the dark side of publicity and work on social media.

– I’ve learned a lot the hard way and by making those mistakes on social media. And I’m sure I’ll still learn, he admits.

Aiello states that he does not regret the publicity or the fact that he has created a career for himself as a content producer. He makes decisions in his career “in the long term” and hopes to have a strong own brand that will employ him for many years to come.

– No one is forcing me to do this, I could stop this today and disappear from the public eye completely. Of course, I’ve also had those moments when I wonder how I’m going to survive this situation, but I’ve survived the previous ones too, so I’ll survive everything to come, Aiello concludes with a smile.

Sonja reveals that she read discussion forums during the summer in order to know what was being said about her. At the moment, however, he does not read them, as they are not good for his mental health. Inka Soveri
