Song festival number S10 is popular and is in the top 10 at bookmakers

That means that we have an increasing chance of winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Although Ukraine is still at the top with a 28% chance of winning. Italy is in second place with 18%.


Bookmakers are betting companies that gamble on which country will win in the Eurovision Song Contest. Two weeks before the final, when all the acts rehearse on stage, the polls really get reliable.

sung live

S10 presented her song last Thursday The depth. The song was immediately well received in the Netherlands, but the infamous Eurovision bookmakers still gave it a low rating. Only when Stien added her song live Matthijs continues sang, the song suddenly goes through the roof with the bookmakers. During the performance, the singer stood in the middle of an empty room and was surrounded by red laser beams. Viewers were also very enthusiastic about the performance.

To rise

At the time of writing, S10 is on eighth place in the ranking. There is a good chance that our entry will increase, since many countries that are above the Netherlands have not yet presented their song. In any case, in the past, the bookmakers were rarely wrong. That bodes well.

Source: Eurovision

March 9, 2022
