Son Peter R. de Vries makes himself heard after spicy rumors

Royce de Vries, the son of the late Peter R. de Vries, was asked about Tahmina Akefi in the talk show of his bosom friend Khalid Kasem. Rumor has it that they don’t like each other.


Tahmina Akefi decided in January to step forward as the girlfriend of the late Peter R. de Vries. She told extensively about their love life in a much-watched documentary on NPO 1, and according to intimates, that went very far. The fact that Peter’s children and ex-wife did not want to react to that said enough, according to critics.


Tahmina dismisses the rumors about disagreements with Peter’s other relatives as the work of ‘gossips’. “Have they officially responded? The gossips tried to start a fight between us, but it failed miserably,” she said of the week.

According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, there is indeed something going on. “After Tahmina came out with the documentary, Royce suddenly stopped following her [op Instagram]she says. “Furthermore, I have heard (via via) that the family has tried to prevent Tahmina from speaking in court. In any case, that did not work.”

Royce responds

Tahmina has since spoken in court. What does Royce de Vries, Peter’s son, think of that? He was asked about it yesterday in Khalid & Sophie. “She spoke very lovingly about my father,” he responds.

Royce’s response is short, but positive. “I also know from experience that it is not easy to exercise your right to speak in the presence of cameras and such a full courtroom. She just did it really well.”


Jacqueline, Peter’s ex-wife, has been with him for much longer, but has not spoken in court. “My mother never really seeks out the media. That was just a choice for her. She did send a letter to the court and of course she spoke at the funeral, but she does not seek out the media herself.”

He continues: “I promised her that I would also speak a bit on her behalf. I also thought it was important to do that, to also do her justice. I actually noticed myself that maybe I had it the hardest when I was with her part.”


Despite Peter having a new girlfriend, Tahmina, the relationship between his parents remained loving, Royce says. “Just thinking about how loving my parents have always been to each other, even after the divorce. My father still sent flowers every year, apart from the fact that they still spoke every day.”

He continues: “The fact that he also addressed the suicide note to my mother. That’s something… I notice that sometimes my tears run out a bit, but when I talk about that, they always come back.”


Royce at Khalid & Sophie:
