Son André and Mo finally regain their balance through a foot massage

The son of André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg has calmed down again after a turbulent period in which he was taken out of school by his angry parents. “Through a foot massage.”

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Who will grow up first? André Hazes Jr. or his now seven-year-old son Dré? It will be tense. For the time being, the boy is still learning well, although his school years are quite turbulent. His angry parents had him switch schools because his old school did not want to go along with their exorbitant holiday demands.

School turbulence

André and Monique can manage their own time – especially they – but they still want to travel outside the regular school holidays. They did not get permission from Dré’s previous school, but they went anyway and that is why they now have a note on their criminal record. Out of revenge, they therefore put Dré at another school.

Fortunately, this new school does offer celebrity privileges, because last month Dré was allowed to travel with his parents for a week outside the school holidays. What turbulence.

Foot massage

After a turbulent time, little Dré was obviously very upset, but yesterday he went to see his mother’s therapist. She performed a foot massage on him and Dré is now fully balanced again. Press his big toe three times and he can go all the way again. Ideal.

Monique writes on Instagram: “Dré also wanted to be helped by her. She immediately addressed certain points that were needed and that has also given him balance again in the past week!!”



Monique herself also lay on the treatment chair of therapist Carientje. “Carientje was in the Netherlands for two days this week to receive treatments. Thanks to a dropout, a spot became available and she was allowed to help me.”

Is Monique now in balance again? Yes, also completely. “After a recent procedure, my cycle was out of whack, but thanks to this great product everything is back on track!”

Life can sometimes be wonderfully simple.
