Sometimes Katri can’t sleep at all because she’s so afraid

Katri Koivumäki suffers from the fear of illness, i.e. hypochondria.

Katri Koivumäki is frightened by the thought of contracting a terrible disease, the painful stage of illness and a horrible death. Yle, Tero Kyllönen

Katri Koivumäki afraid of getting cancer. He does not believe the doctor’s arguments that there is no cause for concern.

Koivumäki suffers from fear of illness, i.e. hypochondria. In the vernacular, he would be delusional, although hypochondria is its own, real illness.

Koivumäki describes his life In acute Reporter at TV1 Liisa Vihmanen. The day starts with morning coffee, during which Koivumäki feels his body with his fingers.

– Symptom after symptom, I first came up with the deadliest and most dangerous reason for what it could be.

Koivumäki is especially afraid of cancer, especially leukemia. She practices pole dancing and, under stress, begins to doubt whether the bruises and abrasions from the pole were caused by leukemia after all. The fear of getting sick has followed Koivumäki ever since he saw a TV program about a boy who died of leukemia at the age of six.

Katri Koivumäki tends to talk about her fears and even laugh at them. It fools many. Yle, Tero Kyllönen

Koivumäki is also afraid of a sudden heart attack, blood clots and pneumonia, which breaks out as an after-effect of the flu.

When the fears were at their worst, Koivumäki was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The medication I received for it helped over the worst, but it didn’t take away the hypochondria completely.

– When I’m in a bad mood, it’s stressful for me and takes a lot of energy. Then it’s hard for me to cope with everyday life. The children know that sometimes the mother hasn’t been able to sleep at all, Koivumäki says openly in Akuuti.

Talking about hypochondria is not difficult for him. He even laughs about it easily. It sometimes causes awkward situations, because he is not always taken seriously enough. For example, Koivumäki has been told by a professional therapist that he does not seem depressed or anxious at all.

– I thought that there is probably nothing wrong with me. Actually, I was really sick.

Acute will also hear Anne Tölö’s story. Unlike Katri Koivumäki, she does not want to go to the doctor because of her fears. Over

Acute today on TV1 at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
