Something special, cast and plot of the film with Jennifer AnistoniO Donna

“TO Sometimes, despite all your efforts to prevent this from happening, life gives you sour lemons. When this happens you can make a sour face or you can make a lemonade ». Something special (Love Happens)2009 film with Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckharttells the unpredictability of life and the many possibilities it offers even when everything seems lost.

The plot of the movie

Directed by Brandon Camp, the film tells the meeting between Ryan Burke and Eloise Chandler. He, recently widowerhas poured the pain of the loss of his wife into a bestselling book: it has thus become a sort of reference point for those who have to overcome a bereavement. She, a flower girl, is struggling with a disastrous love lifemarked by repeated disappointments.

They know each other a Seattle, hometown of Burke’s wife, where he arrives to give a seminar. The meeting with Eloise gives him a new perspective. For the first time, the city it no longer represents a place of sufferingbut it turns into the breeding ground for a new possibility.

A scene from Something Special, the film with Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart (Ipa)

A scene from Something Special, with Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart (Ipa)

The relationship between the two grows day by day, but at first Eloise doesn’t know what Burke is as good at giving advice to his readers as he is unable to truly deal with his own pain. In some ways, it is a fake. He sells something that he is not really, but he himself is not able to realize it. In fact, he shuns the memory of the night his wife lost her life in a car accident. Only the encounter with the flower girl will lead Burke to face her ghosts for the first time.

In fact, Eloise realizes that Burke is hiding a secreta piece of truth that explains how trapped he is still in pain, even though he flies across the United States to deliver advice to those who rely on his experience.

Little by little, however, Burke and Eloise begin to trust each other. After tasting the sourest lemons life could serve him, Burke realizes it’s time to enjoy a lemonade. To do this, it must stop lying to yourself and others. Above all, he must face the past and let go of the guilt that has accompanied him since the day his wife died.

Jennifer Aniston: the queen of minimal chic style

Jennifer Aniston: the queen of minimal chic style

Cast and review of “Something special”

Something special is a romantic comedy that lightly tackles the theme of death. The two main actors, Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston, they are flawless. However, the film did not garner particularly positive reviews. In some places, the narrative is slow, in others redundant. Furthermore, proselytism weighs down the story and several times, over the course of 109 minutes, one wonders if Burke whether it is just a wounded man who found an apparent panacea in the writing of the book or whether it is, instead, an impostor albeit unconscious.

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In addition to Eckhart and Aniston, they also appear in the film Dan Folgeras Burke’s manager, and Martin Sheen in those of the father-in-law. Frances Conroy is Eloise’s mother, while Joe Anderson and John Caroll respectively play Tyler – Eloise’s boyfriend, whom the flower girl leaves at the beginning of the film – and Walter, a father who has recently lost his son and is following Burke’s seminary unwillingly. The film will air prime time tonight on Rai 2starting at 21.20, and is available on RaiPlay.

