Somers pleads for ethics committee for all local authorities | Inland

Flemish Minister of Internal Affairs Bart Somers (Open Vld) is examining whether a deontology committee can be installed at all local authorities. He said that in the Flemish Parliament.

In 2021, Audit Flanders received a record number of 89 complaints about possible abuse at local authorities. “Today, almost one in three municipal councils in Flanders already has a deontological affairs committee,” said Somers. “In this way, deontology automatically becomes a subject of regular debate, so that abuse is tackled preventively. I want to see how we can anchor that instrument in all our cities and municipalities,” he said.

However, CD&V does not believe in the deontological committee as a solution to check irregularities by politicians and sees Audit Flanders as a better partner.

“A deontological committee is politically composed. The majority can simply vote out a critical opposition there,” said Brecht Warnez. “Audit Flanders, on the other hand, is independent and that is necessary. Every report must receive a credible investigation. Thousands of representatives and civil servants work hard for their inhabitants. We must not put them in a bad light.”

Also read:

Record number of reports of possible corruption in local authorities
