Some unusual moments in the life of Elizabeth II

images of the queen Isabel II it still flows in the world’s media. The news of his death, in the Scottish castle of Bamoral, impact yesterday in the headlines of the main portals. Added to this is the beginning of the funeral protocol, which will be carried out for ten days in the United Kingdom. However, the memory of the monarch’s life has its anecdotal and even unusual side.

Musicians, movie stars, world leaders and simple tourists, at some point, had the opportunity to come across “Your Majesty”. On those occasions, not everything that happened in the meeting was within the expected prolixity, the circumstances allowed us to discover an unprecedented side of the monarch more linked to astonishment or, also, to humor.

The meeting with Brian May, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton

In 2005, the royal sovereign summoned the guitarists Brian May (What in), Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Eric Clapton Y jeff beck. The hall of Buckingham Palace was prepared to pay homage to the four of the great British rock legends. Their contribution to culture was already more than recognized and it was a matter of time before the crown also wanted to pay their tribute.

In the videos of the celebration you can see when Queen Elizabeth II greets the musicians. May is the first to greet her: “Nice to meet you. Sorry for making so much noise”, referring to the concert in 2002, in which the Queen guitarist played “god save the queen”, together with an orchestra, on the roof of the Palace. The confused queen replies, “You were?” and she adds “were you there too?” questioning a stunned Page. Clapton, sensing the confusion, introduces himself along with Beck, to which the queen asks the group “Have you been playing for a long time?”. “Nearly forty years,” Clapton replies, with some sarcasm.

That comical moment grabbed more than one headline, for which Eric Clapton, to finish the subject, declared the following: “It was great to meet her, and it doesn’t matter that she didn’t know who we were or what we do,” he explained. “I didn’t expect it either,” he finished wryly.

a bond girl

On the occasion of the inauguration of the London Olympics 2012, the sovereign participated in a memorable stage appearance together with the agent 007. At the opening ceremony, the queen together with the character of James Bond, played by Daniel Craigperform a recorded sequence on the Buckingham Palace heading to the olympic stadium, all filmed by the english film director Danny Boyle. A fan of the secret agent saga, “Her Majesty of Her” she immediately agreed to be part of the cast, on the condition that the production be kept completely confidential.

The unknown queen

In recent years, a well-known anecdote is when the queen accidentally ran into some American tourists when she went for a walk on a rainy day near her Scottish residence in Balmoral in the company of an escort. Not recognizing the British sovereign dressed in a thick raincoat, American visitors asked the lady if she had ever met her queen. With an ironic smile, the old woman replied: “No” and pointing to her escort, she added: “But he did”.

Isabel II

Elizabeth II, lifeguard

The Royal Life Saving Society, is a leading British organization that is responsible for educating about the safety and prevention of drowning in the water. In a videoconference of the organization with the Royal House, the young sarah downswho has won one of the latest medals for carrying out a rescue, asked the monarch about her link with the lifeguard.

To which Elizabeth II had no problem responding, saying “It was a long time ago!” Omitting that the same queen, with only 15 years, was the first person to get the medal awarded by the association, when carrying out the practices in 1941, in the context of World War II.

The art of imitation

A personality of such importance has the opportunity to personally meet world leaders and celebrities of all arts. This allowed him to strengthen a particular taste for imitating politicians and jet set characters, with whom he was able to establish a dialogue. The rumor is that, in particular, he does a careful imitation of the former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, known for his drinking problem. According to Karen Dolbyauthor of The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II (The Salty Wit of Queen Elizabeth II), describes her streak in humor as frequently “self-deprecating and slightly self-mocking.”

Tea with Paddington Bear

The character, created by Michael Bondhad a meeting with the charismatic majesty, with whom he sat down to tea as part of the festivities of his 70th anniversary in the throne. At the meeting, the queen confesses that she always carries a jam sandwich prepared by her royal cook in her purse. On the official twitter account of paddington bearafter the news of the death of the monarch, the animated mammal says goodbye “Thank you Ma’am, for everything“.

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