“Some prefer to fight with us than defend Catalonia”

The president of left, oriol junquerashas chosen the city of badalona to throw the first dart against together of the Bell. “Some prefer to fight with us than defend Catalonia”, he assured the day he reached the equator. After receiving several criticisms of the post-convergent space in the last two days, Junqueras has defended the negotiations that ERC have carried out throughout the legislature in Congress, from pardons to the increase in pensions or the trans law, and has reproached the attitude of those who “very often” “insult” them and “disrespect” them, in reference to Junts. In this sense, he has also asked them to change their strategy to take Catalonia’s demands to Congress and the Senate.

Next to one of the emblems of the city, in the Pont del Petroli, Junuqueras has warned that the more votes ERC receives, the “more strength” it will have to defend the interests of the Catalans, and has assured that his party has “always” been a bulwark, even when “circumstances have been very difficult”. In addition, he has assured that they will be “willing to pay the price that is necessary to defend the country and its people.” ERC’s criticism of Junts comes after the ‘ex-minister’ Josep Rull has accused them of being “incapable” of requesting the full transfer of Rodalies or that this Thursday the president of the party, Laura Borrasaccused Rufián of being “submissive” to the PSOE.

Precisely, in the act in Badalona, ​​the ERC candidate on 23-J also participated, Gabriel Ruffian, which has erected ERC as a “country vote”. He has also predicted that the PSOE will end up abstaining from the investiture of Alberto Nuñez Feijóo, even though the socialist patxi lopez He will deny it in the television debate this Thursday. “It would not be the first time that the PSOE betrays its people and its history,” he blurted out, also stating that the “only” formation “that has never agreed and will never agree with the Popular Party is Esquerra.”

“We will clean Badalona of racism”

Finally, the ERC candidate for the Senate, Maria Dantashas made a veiled reference to the mayor of the city, Xavier Garcia Albiol, paraphrasing his iconic ‘cleaning up Badalona’ campaign. “We will clean Badalona of racism, Islamophobia and lgtbiphobia & rdquor ;, he has promised her, in a speech very focused on left-wing policies

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Badalona is one of the cities that for a few years has been among the bets of the Republicans, as it is a key point in their objective of making a dent in the metropolitan vote. However, the last municipal elections did not go as expected. The overwhelming victory of the popular Xavier Garcia Albiol -which obtained three more councilors than the absolute majority-, left ERC with only two councilors and out of the municipal government.

Albiol won in all the neighborhoods, including the city center, one of the most hostile points for him and one that had resisted him for years. A borrowed vote that the popular mayor is addressing right now, to ask them to give their vote to Alberto Núñez Feijóo because -as he defends- it is “the best thing that can happen” to the city, because they would have “a direct thread” with the Government.
