“Some politician has told me off after interviewing him”

‘The anthill’ obtained this Tuesday its best result of the year with the visit of Vicente Valles, who attended the entertainment program to present his book ‘Operation Kazan’. Pablo Motos’s interview with the presenter of ‘Antena 3 Noticias 2’ was followed by more than 2.9 million viewersscoring a high 18.4% audience share.

One of the main topics of conversation was the war in Ukraine. Vallés affirmed that Vladimir Putin “is not crazy at all”, but is “very dangerous”. “He handles power in Russia with an iron hand,” said the journalist, convinced that the Russian leader “is not going to find it free” of his attack on the country: “He is going to obtain some benefit, but if he thought that the Ukrainians were going to to receive with flowers… That has not happened. It is foreseeable that the resistance will continue for a long time with the support of the West”.

Vallés: “Journalists like to annoy politicians”

During his talk with Motos y las hormigas, Trancas y Barrancas, Vallés also explained how he prepares his interviews with politicians. “I have a bad habit of trying to make all the questions bother the interviewee. I think it’s fundamental”. “With other characters, perhaps more information is sought, you ask questions so that they give you informative answers. In the case of politicians, they rarely give you information, because they are going to sell their product.”

“There is nothing that journalists like more than angering politicians in interviews,” said the communicator, who, on the other hand, laughed. He confessed that one of them has given him “the anger” on occasion: “And others have left without saying goodbye.”

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At another point in the interview, Pablo Motos asked his guest about Pedro Sánchez: “Do you think the legislature will run out? Social discontent is already very great, it doesn’t matter if you ask those on the left or those on the right.” “There are a lot of angry people, but I would say that he will be in Moncloa until he considers that it is time to call elections. I don’t think any party is going to force him to call elections against his will,” the communicator said.

Vicente Valles also He spoke about the role that, in his opinion, Pablo Iglesias continues to play in Podemos: “I think he commands a lot, precisely through the media in which he works now. He continues to establish the line to be followed by the party’s leadership, which is very attentive to everything its former leader may say.”
