Some names shouldn’t be next to my name

In the early 2000s, Nez, who made a name for herself with her songs and dances such as ‘Don’t Be Ha!’ and ‘Everything Is Empty’, announced in July 2020 that she had received a marriage proposal from her longtime lover, tennis coach Gökhan Köksal.


The singer, who got married and divorced three times, posed with her wedding ring and said, “And I said ‘yes’. A year later, at the place where we first met.” The famous singer announced that she cried with happiness after her marriage proposal.


The singer, who had shortened her hair and dyed it blonde in the past weeks, said, “I shaved my hair for the project”, and was harsh with the understanding that “Women who cut their hair have psychological problems”. Nez said:

“Why don’t we say ‘he has psychological problems’ when a man grows his hair, but that’s the way women talk when they say it. I think women do it themselves… “When I cut my hair, my boyfriend kissed my head and said, ‘You’re amazing.’ Femininity isn’t just about hair.”


Nez was spotted with her dog Princess in Cihangir. Nez, who said that he is currently doing 90s concerts and is working on a folk song project, that his aim is to introduce our folk songs to young people, refrained from explaining the details of the project for fear that it might be stolen.


Explaining that he will sing anonymous folk songs, Nez said, “I have a song work, I made an East-West synthesis before, this time it will be even more different. I want to do this in order to introduce our folk songs to the younger generations in order to make them listen to people today, without destroying their essence. In fact, our song is ready. Who is it?” “I won’t tell you. It’s not our Master Neşet, but if I really say it, I’m afraid that someone else will do it before me. Such incidents happen a lot in our community. I won’t name them, but a song of mine was played before. Now we are eating it with a blowtorch,” he said.


Explaining that there are artists around him who have a lot of egos and don’t care about young people, Nez said that he supports the Z generation and said: “I admire the young people, I am not one of those who talk to the Z generation, on the contrary, we need to understand them, they are far beyond us in other matters. We show our belongings to them “We let them go, they will carry the flag after us. This is like a chain. This chain should not be broken. I know a lot of artists who have reached a certain age and have ego trips. There are people who don’t care about young people, who think as if they can’t do anything. I get angry with them.”


Nez said that she loved Aleyna Tilki, one of the new generation singers, and that she was bullied in the art world at the time, and that she was also a hindrance.

Stating that there is a Sezen Aksu effect in the art world, but most people don’t give a hand, Nez continued her words as follows: “I love Aleyna very much, I think it’s being discussed or I’m looking at her. The girl is doing something serious, doing what no one else can do. People like to be a hindrance instead of applauding. I support young people from time to time, and I became an artist who was bullied and mobbed at the time. “20 years have passed, there are those who are new to what I have done. There is a Sezen Aksu effect. He has always been a person who lends a hand to his vocalists, we need to take him as an example. We don’t give much.


Also, when Nez heard the name of Demet Akalın, who recently targeted Aleyna Tilki on social media, she made interesting statements about the famous artist and said, “Demet’s style is to tell everyone something, so I won’t say anything. Some names should not be next to my name. “I do not answer some names. It is obvious why some people do what they do,” he said.

