Some 3,000 people protest against Casado and in favor of Ayuso at the PP headquarters

In a concentration without a tribune of speakers, or head or other known convener that the WhatsApp chains, about 3,000 people have blocked Génova street in Madrid this Sunday before the door of the national headquarters of the PP for protest against Pablo Casado and Teodoro García Egeaand acclaim Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

The main fear that they had in the national leadership of the PP, that the concentration of Ayusistas would be massive, has been fulfilled. The crowd has shouted against the president and the general secretary of the party for more than two hours before a strong police device that guarded the headquarters of the formation, closed to lime and song.

In the heat of the concentration, with very angry people, it would not be said that the PP crisis has begun to subside. Nor are demographic tastings necessary to ensure that the public that has demonstrated in Madrid this Sunday The resignation of Teodoro García Egea is not enough. On numerous banners, the effigies of Pablo Casado and his number two appeared at the same level -some with the sign “RIP, rest in peace”-, to which the crowd has cursed while applauding posters strategically distributed by a young man between the people with the smiling face of Díaz Ayuso and the slogan ‘Moncloa 2023’.

The demonstration has passed without incident. In the calls for outings that have taken place this weekend in the wake of the Popular Party crisis, the theory of mutually assured destruction has not been staged. There has been a significant difference in the ability to convene the two sides of the PP: on Saturday zero protesters went to Puerta del Sol to protest against the Madrid president, in a rally called on Twitter by an account with very few followers. On the contrary, this Sunday, a notable number of people gathered shouting “Isabel president” and “Married traitor”.

to lime and song

The cries have been uttered in the direction to the same famous balcony where Aznar, Rajoy, Esperanza Aguirre… came out to be applauded on nights of electoral triumph. This Sunday there were as many people or more than on the most festive of those occasions, and probably with participants in both the party and the protest.

The concentration against the two-sided leadership of the PP moved forward. An hour before its unofficial start, there were already supporters of Díaz Ayuso and detractors of Casado before a door closed with a metal shutter and barricaded by police vans. The Government Delegation in Madrid arranged five with their riot squads on the adjoining sidewalks, one more before the City Council, in deprivation of which part of the protest was directed against the mayor’s office Jose Luis Martinez-Almeidawho is the national spokesperson for the PP, and in whose consistory a confusing assignment to detectives could be forged to spy on the Madrid president and her family.

Party leaders have not appeared at the rally, but activists from the world that interconnects PP and Vox in the streets of Madrid have. Among the people gathered María Luisa Fernández, leader of the caceroladas that in the spring of 2020 they brought out residents of the right-wing feudal streets, such as Núñez de Balboa, to protest against the anticovid confinement and the “dictatorship” of Pedro Sánchez.

Ayusist environment

Some protesters have carried signs with the motto “Me with Ayuso & rdquor;the same one that bars in Madrid wore in another, more recent, protest campaign against the restrictions imposed in the pandemic, and when the Madrid president made common cause with the hoteliers brandishing the slogan “Libertad”.

The morning has passed in the high layers of the party in the midst of intense silence, while in the street the troops shouted, encouraged by a large and undisguised presence of Vox followers. Some of them have shouted in favor of Díaz Ayuso “passing & rdquor; to the extreme right formation and leave the PP.

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“This is / the people of the PP… / clown! & rdquor ;, shouted a protester in his sixties towards the balcony of Genoa. His name is Julian. His wife, Maricarmen, also shouted: “Isabel, come to Vox! & rdquor; Julián and Maricarmen, who do not give their last name or want photos, have come, they say, “because Spain must be regenerated, and because Casado is a traitor & rdquor ;.

Among the elements of the iconography in the demonstration, numerous flags from Spain, some from Venezuela and posters calling for an extraordinary congress. One of the many sellers of Spanish flags, bracelets and keyrings that crossed the crowd offered the banners at the end of the protest “for three euros and five with a stick & rdquor ;. More or less at the moment when, at the door of the building that was renovated with B money, a man dressed as a pterodactyl burst into the center of the march. “Married is a bird of ill omen & rdquor ;, he repeated between the laughter of a traditional audience, which at times has chanted:” Married, Teodoro, if you want to leave us & rdquor ;.
