Solved the problems with the gas supply from Algeria to Spain due to a breakdown

The supply of gas from Algeria to Spain has been reduced this Sunday for a short period of time. The reason, as reported by the Algerian hydrocarbon company sonatrachis due to a fault in the Medgaz gas pipeline. Sources from the Ministry of Ecological Transition assure this newspaper that they have tried to “a short-term failure”but what “At no time has the supply been interrupted”.

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At around 12:30 noon, there was a breakdown in the Medgaz gas pipeline, an underwater pipeline that starts in Algeria and touches the Spanish coast on the Perdigal beach in Almería. According to the Sonatrach company, the failure would have occurred in the Spanish zone and, in a statement, they assured that the Spanish teams were “working intensely to carry out the necessary repairs and restore the gas supply to Spain as soon as possible” .-

However, from the Ministry of Ecological Transition they affirm that this breakdown took place in the beni saif plantin Algeria, and which was only a reduction of gas inlet flows by 200,000 Nm3/h up to 704,000 Nm3/h. In addition, they emphasize that at no time was the gas supply interrupted. Along the same lines, sources of naturgythe Spanish part that manages the gas pipeline, have described a “reduction in flow” of gas that has lasted for two hours as a “technical problem” and insist that supplies have not been cut off at any time.
