Solidarity testament: what it is and why women do it the headquarters ofLuca Coscioni Association, among the many letters, one day comes that of a notary. He informs us that Maria has indicated ours in her testamentary dispositions among the various Associations, through the bequest of an apartment. The strange thing is that we don’t have any Maria in our archives with that surname. The story we tell you, therefore, is a story we do not know. Mysterious, but also, as we shall see, very common. We discover her little by little, getting in touch with a distant relative indicated in her will to understand how to recover the keys to the apartment. Maria had no children and left her assets to two associations: a local, environmentalist, and a national, the Luca Coscioni Association. Unfortunately, Maria left not at an advanced age, due to a tumor. They tell us that wanted to give all citizens the hope of having, for the future, free research in Italy and also the right to be able to decide how to dieand, with dignity. These are the two main campaigns of the Luca Coscioni Association, and Maria wanted to support them for all of us after her.

Solidarity Testament: legacies come mainly from women

In Italy, more and more people like “Maria” decide to allocate part of their assets to third sector associations in their testamentary dispositions. This type of choice is promoted and known as joint will. And it is with this name that the Solidarity Testament Committeeof which many of the main non-profit organizations make up, including the Luca Coscioni Association, committed to making known and promoting this type of choice.

The experience of the Luca Coscioni Association reveals a particular and certainly not accidental fact. All the legacies, not so many to have a statistical significance but certainly as many as are enough to have an indicative signal, they all came from women. Alessandra, Maria, Lucia, Elda and Susanna wanted to leave a life insurance policy or an apartment, part of a bank deposit or other movable property.

Leave a mark in the future

Our gratitude goes to them and to them we owe the campaigns that we have been able to support in recent months, starting with the referendums on legal euthanasia that have allowed us to involve millions of citizens. Their strength and their presence was felt after them. Their legacy has given a concrete boost to their ideals as women and citizens. And for this we will not stop being grateful in the hope that many other people can take their example and decide to leave even a small part of their possessions, the result of the hardships of a life, to their hopes and their ideals, leaving its own mark in the future.

Third Sector Organizations, concrete solutions

As noted in the Committee’s latest publication, a growing number of Italian and international studies (such as Action Plan for the Social Economy of the EU) underlines how the Third Sector Organizations have been able to identify needs not met by other institutions, experimenting often innovative responses and in a very short time. According to the Plan, in fact, “almost every day 2.8 million social economy entities in Europe offer concrete and innovative solutions to the crucial challenges we are facing. They create and maintain quality jobs, contribute to the social and labor market inclusion of disadvantaged groups and equal opportunities for all, pursue sustainable economic and industrial development, promote the active participation of citizens in our societies, they play an important role in European welfare systems and revitalize rural and depopulated areas ”. In Italy, donors seem to give great credit to non-profit organizations.

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According to the last Annual report “We donate“, Edited byItalian Institute of Donation (IID)in 2020 the Italians showed their generosity: 1 out of 3 Italians has made at least one donation for the Covid emergency, although only half of these are used to donating continuously.

