Soldiers assault each other, community service looms for corporal

Soldiers who ‘grab each other by the balls’, who ride into each other’s bodies and make sexist comments. It was the most normal course of events for a group of military friends at Volkel Air Base. This became shockingly clear on Monday during a hearing before the military chamber of the court in Arnhem. A 27-year-old corporal from Gemert was on trial for allegedly assaulting a female colleague (25) in the base canteen in November 2022. The public prosecutor considered this proven and demanded a community service of 70 hours.

The well-spoken suspect had come to court in uniform despite having been suspended for almost a year and a half. He knew no harm from the prince.

According to him, nothing special had happened that day: “Crazier things have happened.” He had a good relationship with the victim, they often fell into each other’s arms, regularly rubbed against each other and she also sometimes grabbed others in the crotch. With everyone’s consent, the soldier from Gemert emphasized.

Accused of sexual assault
He was therefore surprised when he was told at the end of 2022 that he had been accused of sexual assault by the Amsterdam resident. That happened on a morning when the female colleague had already hugged him because it had just been his birthday. Later that day, the suspect in turn wanted to ‘hug her intensely’ when she leaned against a chair. Shortly before, he allegedly said that his penis was bothering him and that he would like to ‘push’ it to someone.

The woman felt assaulted and said so several times. She said the incident lasted a minute. Opinions differ on what exactly happened and how long the ‘cuddling moment’ lasted.

For the victim, a line had been crossed: all those poop, pee and sex comments on the base had to end. She wanted to make a point. The suspect and his lawyer did not understand it: why file a report, when she has not left herself untouched either.

The public prosecutor did not find this argument relevant enough: the suspect was guilty of sexual assault. He would have pinned her legs between his legs, panted in her ears and pressed his erect penis against her. According to his lawyer, his client has actually become a victim and his future dream as a soldier now seems to be falling apart.

‘Standard previously exceeded’
The man from Gemert also received some support from an officer-counselor of Defense, who assists soldiers in legal cases. He confirmed the atmosphere sketched by the suspect without making a value judgment: “In a group of young people who see each other day and night, you see norms slowly fade. That continues during the day.” The judge: “Wasn’t the standard already exceeded?”

It is not known whether the situation at Volkel Air Base has changed. Someone once went to take stock of the situation for a day. It is unclear what this resulted in. If the corporal from Gemert is not punished, he expects he will be welcomed back with open arms.


Marechaussee deals heavy blows to colleagues: community service demanded
