Soldier who assaulted girlfriend and killed man (83) is ‘deeply ashamed’

The soldier suspected of assaulting his girlfriend in Helvoirt and killing a man in Weert is ashamed of what he has done. He also says that he has not been bothered by anything. The 28-year-old man from Helvoirt was very emotional when he stood in front of the military chamber of the court in Arnhem this Monday. It determined that the corporal will remain in custody until at least mid-December.

The public prosecutor said it is important that the man is psychologically examined. His lawyer agrees and in turn submitted a request to hear witnesses.

Mass arrest action
The soldier was put in a cell twice in August. First because he allegedly severely abused and locked up his girlfriend in her house. In addition, hard drugs were found at the suspect’s home, although he will not be tried for this. About twenty police officers and military police were involved in the arrest, and two police dogs were also deployed.

A week later, the soldier was allowed to leave the prison ‘under special conditions’. Two days after his release, he killed an 83-year-old cyclist with his car in Weert, Limburg. The soldier is accused of driving under the influence, too fast and recklessly. He then allegedly tried to continue driving, while he should have known that the victim might have died. After the accident, he wanted to end his life and therefore rammed a tree with his car a little further away.

According to his father and his lawyer, the man suffers from major psychological problems. “And it doesn’t help that the Ministry of Defense recently sent him a letter of resignation,” his father responds. “I think it is a fair measure, also because my son is ill. He urgently needs help, this cannot be the intention. Fortunately, he is now receiving guidance in prison in Vught, where he is receiving adequate and very professional support. And we really like that.”

This help is so desperately needed because the soldier is struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He tried to suppress it by using drugs. Last year he was admitted to a hospital’s intensive care unit after an overdose. This was followed by a (voluntary) stay in a special clinic for soldiers with PTSD.

Fatal accident
The psychological problems are partly the result of a fatal accident that he saw happen several years ago. “That was while skydiving,” says his father. “After he had jumped himself, he witnessed a direct colleague’s accident, including the agony that preceded it. That in itself is terrible, but they were more than just colleagues: they were also good friends.”

The man lived on his own, but, his father said, “the intention was for him to live with us. To relax and get regularity in his life.”

Talking about thoughts of suicide helps. You can call the 113 Suicide Prevention Foundation 24 hours a day on 0900 0113 or chat via

Images of the raid on Helvoirt on August 3:
