Sointu Borg received accusatory comments from her clingy friends – “Belongs to elementary school”

Sointu Borg reflects in his Sana on vara podcast that clingy friend types may have social ignorance.

Media personality Chord Borg31, discusses his co-host Janni Hussin32, with his experiences of clingy friends Word is free on the podcast.

Borg says that he has heard accusing comments from some of his friends about the fact that he likes some of his friends more than them. Some of the entrepreneur’s friends would also obsessively want to see him every day.

In the entrepreneur’s opinion, it is self-centered to demand that a friend be constantly available.

– Possessive friendship belongs to elementary school, but adult friendships must have space. Usually people already have their own children, a spouse or a career, in which case everyday life is so hectic that it is no longer possible to maintain seeing a friend every day, he states in the episode.

– I feel that it is social ignorance if a person is very clingy, intrusive and generally blameworthy about not being able to be seen. Social interaction, however, includes respect for another space. Nowadays, I’m not really capable of such relationships at work or in civil life, he continues.

The story continues after the picture.

Sointu Borg says that she has received accusatory comments from her clingy friends. Atte Kajova

Borg emphasizes that he understands that people have different needs for friendship. However, he reminds us that clinging quickly turns into possessiveness, which often drives friends away.

Borg and Hussi conclude that a clinging person is not necessarily aware that his behavior is distressing. Borg gives the listeners a tip that you should calmly discuss the issue with a clingy friend.

– Communication with everyone is not just successful, but in a healthy human relationship you have to have your own space and boundaries. Draw boundaries, and don’t make corners as straight as I do – that is, put in a block. Communicate in between, he concludes.

The word is free podcast is available to listen to In Podimo.
