Softball, Saronno championship: Bollate beaten 3-0 in the final

The victory in race 3 was decisive for the girls trained by Rocha, who rejoices: “We have always believed in it”. Lozada named Mvp

A 3-0 in the series (best of 5) against Bollate, and Saronno becomes the capital of Italian softball. It’s the championship, it’s the first time for the Lombard town. The Inox Saronno coached by Eduardo Rocha had won in Bollate game 1-2 for 6-5 and 1-0 seven days ago, in game-3 he won it for 8-6 in the final match. Milagros Lozada was named MVP of the final. The club chaired by Massimo Rotondo takes over from Forlì and crowns a great season after winning the Cup Winners’ Cup.


“I am very happy – manager Eduardo Rocha rejoices -. Our work has paid off thanks to the girls who have always believed in us”. Giulia Longhi and coach Giovanna Palermi have dedicated the title to former Azzurri manager Enrico Obletter: “Only him is missing, his presence would have been the icing on the cake. They were tight matches but we always had the last word and this is been the added value “. The president Massimo Rotondo is not in the skin: “We have fulfilled a desire chased for three years, we have always come close but we had never put it on the bulletin board. The club can enjoy this unforgettable moment. fuel, but with the passage of time it has cemented and after the conquest of the Viladecans Cup it has never stopped “.
