Social tariff for cafeterias in apartment building near “titanenwerk” | Inland

The wagering invoering of the social tariff for people who warm up the apartment via a collective gas kettle, looks like a “juridisch titanenwerk”. The Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen) announced in the chamber. Binnenkort places a competition on the regering table, which can also be followed by the following route.

Tijdens de energiecrisis will, as a result of the minister al duidelijk, dat het niet zo vanzelfsprekend what mensen after a collective installatie mee te nemen in de maatregelen om de factuur te verlichten. We have a contract in India for the basic package for gas – the amount is 50,000 – the standard is in use. Kamerleden Kris Verduyckt (Vooruit), Kurt Ravyts (Vlaams Belang) and Robin Bruyère (PVDA) noticed the minister for July 1st with an oplossing zou comen voor hun toegang tot het social tarif en wilden beten what the stand van zaken is.

If the dossier is more complex then Van der Straeten needs to get it. The moeilijkheid zit in the identification of the mensen aft and a collective gas kettle en hoe je the term woonplaats is defined. Het werk om the hele groep te bereiken, neem dus tijd in beslag. “We have a beetje naïef thought that we met a pennentrek zouden can invoegen”, Aldus de minister.

The coming weekend will be in the same area with a voorontwerp van wet after the regering steps. He then wants to follow a heel trajectory. This advice is given to the Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit, but also overleg volgen with the region’s, he follows a advice from the Raad van State en wellicht nog a uitvoeringsbesluit. It is in great condition for the bedoeling of the works with a forfaitaire premium in euros per year.
