Soccer, U20 Women’s World Cup | Spain, to the final beating the Netherlands

Act at 06:12


Two goals from Inma Gabarro are enough to beat the Netherlands (2-1), for which Van Gool scored

The Spanish will face Brazil or the current champion Japan

With two goals from the scorer Inma Gabarro, the Spanish team beat the Netherlands squad 2-1 this Thursday and qualified for the final of the Women’s U20 World Cup of Costa Rica 2022.

Gabarro was the great figure of a superior Spain with his goals in the 22nd and 25th minutes, so that later the defense knew how to withstand the push of the Dutch, especially after Rosa Van Gool reduced the difference in 54. With this result Spain awaits in the World Cup final next Sunday the winning team of the other semifinal that will play this Thursday Brazil and defending champion Japan.

Spain imposed their conditions from the start of the game at the San José National Stadium with high pressure and with Paralluelo, Martínez, Gabarro and Elexpuro practically positioned as forwards, which stifled the Dutch team’s exit and led to a lot of insecurity in their defense.

The Netherlands proposed a counterattack strategy and came close to opening the scoring in the 5th minute when Rijsbergen escaped solo, but his shot missed the post. From that move on, the match was completely dominated by Spain in the first half with constant arrivals from the flanks and dangerous shots from Salma Paralluelo and Ansu Martínez. But It was Inma Gabarro who tipped the scales by beating goalkeeper Alkemade after an error in Van Diemen’s exit at minute 22.

three minutes later, Gabarro scored the second with a great goal a half-turn from the edge of the area, which left the Dutch goalkeeper static. In this way, Gabarro established herself as the top scorer in the World Cup with 7 goals.

In the second half the story changed because the Netherlands were encouraged to attack with the speed of their attacking trident made up of Rijsbergen, Henry and Hulswit. At minute 54 Rosa Van Gool scored a great goal from outside the area to bring his team closer on the scoreboard, which became the first goal conceded by Spain in the entire World Cup. Danique Noordman warned the 57th again with another powerful shot from outside the area that passed close to the vertical of Txell Font’s goal.

With the score at 2-1, the match was even and Spain found some spaces in the rival defense, however Paralluelo did not have the right aim to extend the result. The physical effort ended up taking its toll on the Netherlands, who lost their ability to attack and were unable to tie the game.
