Soaking wet start of holiday threatens: full rain from Sunday

The summer holidays officially start in North Holland next Friday. All reasons for a party, of course. But nature doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. According to NH weatherman Jan Visser, we will get rain, rain and more rain next week.

“It’s not too bad this week and tomorrow we will even have a nice, dry day with regular sun,” says Visser. “The rest of the week is a bit changeable with the occasional shower that also quickly disappears and temperatures around 21 degrees.”

The swimsuit can definitely go into the closet from Sunday, because then it will rain heavily in the province. “From then on, the weather changes. The rain chances then become greater and more consistent. In the models it is still increasing from that moment on. The temperature on Sunday and Monday is around 24 degrees, then it decreases to 21 degrees. “

Rain until the end of the month

This applies to the entire province. And it doesn’t look like it’s getting better anytime soon, says the weatherman. “I suspect it will continue until the end of the month. Maybe things will get better at the end of July.”

But fear not: according to Visser, the weather forecasts can look completely different in a few days. “Only that’s not likely.”

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