so you can get a free vet

10/05/2023 at 10:25


These are the requirements to access free assistance for your pet

The idea of ​​having a ‘social security’ for animals It’s been going on for a long time, given that veterinary expenses are very high, and there are owners who cannot afford this care. Additionally, taking care of a dog or cat It involves many worries that we are not willing to go through, since the lack of aid prevents people from taking this important step. However, the government has launched a commitment program with the health of your pet.

The data shows that, currently, half of Spanish households have pets among which dogs and cats stand out. In recent years, this figure has increased significantly and they are already living with us 10 million dogs and five million felines. Its maintenance is quite expensive, since it is estimated that a dog has monthly expenses of between 100 and 500 euros. This wide range is because, like people, they eat, they have to go to the hairdresser and they also get sick.

The Government provides formulas to assist pets for free

| Agencies

After the approval of the new animal welfare law, pet owners have achieved many benefits that they did not have before and that will make their daily lives easier. Also, a few years ago a program of veterinary aids that few know and from which you can benefit if you meet certain requirements.

What is #BestFriends?

In 2016, the #Bestfriends program promoted by the Foundation for Advice and Action in Defense of Animals (FAADA) in order to “make visible and protect the link that is established between people and animals in vulnerable situation in Spain”, according to the FAADA on its own website. Throughout its years of life it has undergone modifications and new aspects have been added to include more situations. Now he is in charge of:

· Offer free veterinary care to animals of people who can prove a situation of vulnerability.

· Advise and accompany municipal Social Services in the management of cases of people who live with animals.

· Offer tools and training to professionals who accompany people with pets in vulnerable situations.

· Technical/legal support and protocols in access to residential resources.

The program aims cover all veterinary actions that each animal requires ensure your physical and emotional health. Among its main actions are vaccination, identification, sterilization, deworming, justified euthanasia and incineration of pets.

Who can access the program?

The Ministry of Social Affairs makes it very clear: “The program offers support to the person or family assisted who is not forced to choose between their animal and a improvement in your lifewhile accompanying social services professionals from local entities and other administrations, providing them with information technical – legal and tools to achieve a proper management of the cases of users who are accompanied by animals”.
