So is Bob Odenkirk with King Charles III. related

Bob Odenkirk, known for series like “Better Call Saul” and “Breaking Bad,” has made a surprising revelation about his family history in an issue of “Finding Your Roots.” For the TV show, a team conducts genealogy research on prominent guests. It was discovered that the actor has royal roots – his 11th cousin is King Charles III.

In the episode of January 30th, Odenkirk was shown that family relationships could be proven up to five generations. One could trace connections back to Friedrich Carl Steinholz, who was the son of the Duke of Plön and was born in Germany in 1755. Steinholz’s mother fathered him out of wedlock with the Duke of Plön, who was related to the European royal family through marriage. This means: Due to his relationship to the Duke of Plön (who is his fifth great-grandfather), Bob Odenkirk and King Charles III are 11th cousins.

“I am not a monarchist”

When the mime was asked after the revelation what the news would do to him, he replied: “Oh, that’s crazy. I’ve never thought of that before! […] It makes me feel like I’m a part of history that I didn’t think I belonged.”

But Bob Odenkirk then expressed his dislike of monarchies: “I’m an American. I’m not a monarchist.” The 61-year-old continued that he understands “why society has built itself around monarchs and leaders and passed them down from generation to generation.” After all, he noted, it has happened in every society and every civilization . “But I think we’ve gotten to a better place with democracy, and we should continue on that path.”

But with a hearty laugh after his 11th cousin’s disclosure, he said he would now “maybe change your mind” about monarchies and their status.

View interview excerpt:

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