Snowfall in January cost 106 million euros for the whole bed Inland

The congestion costs for the snow on January 17th and 18th amounted to a total of 106 million euros. This reports the VBO work group on the basis of the ‘Belgian Mobility Dashboard’ (BMD), a platform with mobility indicators from the VBO and Febiac mobility federation.

Belgium had the snow on Wednesday, January 17th and Thursday, January 18th, almost dead, the VBO. On Wednesday at 17 o’clock, when the snow fell, there was a 8,280 km file on the Belgian roads. The vergelijking: on the previous year there was a maximum congestion on the last 3,374 km.

On the basis of BMD-gegevens, the VBO and Febiac met the congestion costs on weekdays and Thursdays in the amount of 75,886,280 euros and 30,768,926 euros. Op een gemiddelde dag (with uitzondering van feestdagen) the cost is 20 million euros.

Tegelijkertijd lezen ze op het BMD af dat he op die snowdagen de helpt lesser cyclists were in Brussels. “Logically, the bike rides will never be visible. “Om voor de hand liggende veiligheidsredenen gaven the cyclists from the driver to other transport means,” he sounds.
