Snow provides smoothness and beautiful pictures

Code yellow came into effect in Drenthe tonight. The KNMI warns of slippery conditions due to snow. The warning applies in any case until 3 a.m. tonight, but slippery conditions can also occur after that.

Tonight and tomorrow morning it may also become slippery locally due to remnants of snow and freezing of wet road sections, according to the KNMI. During the morning, a precipitation area with (wet) snow will come from the south and move north. This winter precipitation will leave the north at the end of Monday evening. This can also make it slippery.

According to RTV Drenthe weatherman Hans Nienhuis, it can really turn white for a while. “It’s going to snow for a few hours. The intensity of the snowfall is not very high, but we seem to be getting a few centimeters. I assume 3 or 4 centimeters for Drenthe. So tomorrow morning we really have to take into account smoothness and a white blanket in Drenthe.”

According to the RTV Drenthe weatherman, any snow fun will be short-lived. The temperature will eventually rise to 1 or 2 degrees tomorrow. Precipitation will follow again in the afternoon, probably wet snow that will turn into rain.

Will you take beautiful winter pictures tomorrow? Send it [email protected]. Then you might see your photo in our app, on the website or TV Drenthe.
