Snow clearing team lays the foundation for FC Ter Apel ’96 victory

Clearing the playing field of snow ultimately worked out well for FC Ter Apel ’96. In a difficult match, the team won 2-0 against Weiteveense Boys.

A large part of the selection was ready early on Saturday morning to ensure that the match against Weiteveense Boys could go ahead. With combined efforts, the layer of snow, which made playing impossible, was pushed off the artificial grass field.

This happened successfully, so that referee Meijer was able to start the match five minutes later than intended. That was because the referee on the field suddenly realized that the guests were wearing black uniforms, just like him.

After Meijer returned in orange, a match ensued in which the hosts failed to reach their normal level. Captain Daniel Manning was close to the opening goal after two minutes with his long shot, but on the other side Weiteveense Boys found themselves in a surplus situation three times in front of FC Ter Apel ’96 goalkeeper Kyan Bodde.

Dawdling, bad final passes and bad luck

This immediately revealed the biggest shortcoming of the guests. Scoring goals is not something that comes easily to the team of coach Andre Steenhuis. Dawdling, poor final passes and bad luck (a shot by Jesper Scherpen hitting the post) meant that Weiteveense Boys again failed to score.

So far, Weiteveense Boys has only scored five times. A number that contrasts sharply with the thirty-six goals that the formation of FC Ter Apel’96 coach Geert Aalderink has scored. Aalderink, who in the distant past was also active at Sportpark ‘t Heem and led Ter Apel from the third division to the first division, is very pleased with the course of the season.

‘Of course I am very satisfied with that’

“Drew one and won the other nine. Of course I am very satisfied with that. And then next week we play against Nieuw Buinen (with which FC Ter Apel ’96 shares the top position, ed). I wonder how we will do it.”

Aalderink could be brief about the match against Weiteveense Boys. “We got three points, other than that it wasn’t good. But you also have to win these kinds of games and that’s what we did.” Although it didn’t look like that for a long time in the second half. Aalderink’s team played far too sloppily for that.

The guests were at least equal and also had the necessary opportunities after the break. Many spectators started to wonder whether it had been such a good idea to clear the field of snow with all its might.

Weiteveense Boys helps the home team in the saddle

Until more than twenty minutes before time Weiteveense Boys helped the home team by shooting a ball into their own goal. In the remaining time, the guests had two more opportunities through Thom Scheper and Koen Steffens, but it was FC Ter Apel ’96 striker Jeroen Schoonbeek who ended the game after a well-executed counter: 2-0.

FC Ter Apel ’96-Weiteveense Boys: 2-0

Score progression: 68. Ian Wesseling 1-0 (ed), 86. Schoonbeek 2-0.

Yellow card: Wolbers (FC Ter Apel ’96), Jelle Imming (Weiteveense Boys).

Referee: Meijer.

Spectators: 75.

FC Ter Apel ’96: Bodde; West (66. Jalvbing), Wolbers, Krops and Elting; Kuper (59. Kramer), Tent, Leroy Veen, Manning and Haan (69. Sven Veen); Schoonbeek.

Weiteveense Boys: Peters; Tristen Wesseling, Jelle Imming, Immink and Twan Imming 46. Ian Wesseling); Koen Steffens, Stijn Scherpen and Scherper; Niers (86. Schulte), Steffens and Rody Steffens
