Smokkelaars gearresteerd the Oekraïners aan official duty wilden doen ontsnappen | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The Oekraïense politie schreef on Telegram dat ze a joint operation with the Moldavian wetshandhavingsdienste was started. Two Moldavian smokkelaars zijn al gearresteerd terwijl ze four serving vanuit Oekraïne probeerden te vervoeren.

“The criminals brought men of military leadership from the Odessa region in the Oekraïne to the borders with Transnistria, a pro-Russian Afscheidingsgebied in Moldavië,” he says. “From there, we will be brought over the bospaden geleid from a control post and the ontsnappen to the Moldavian city of Chisinau.”

Volgens de politie betaalden de Oekraïners tussen de 4,100 and 4,500 euros aan de smokkelaars.

The beginning of the Russian invasion took place two years ago, with foreign men aged 18 and 60 years old, the country has not been betrayed by special people. Deserters can die for two years in prison. How de duty refuses, risks vijf jaar cel.

KIJK OOK. Everything about the oorlog tussen Rusland and Oekraïne in pictures
