Smart working does not end for fragile and parents of children under 14

TOAlongside many other “no”s, such as the one for extend the Superbonus or strengthen the psychologist bonusThe Instead, the government said yes unanimously to a very heartfelt request from the workers: there extension of smart working.

Longer smart working

And so, thanks to the approval of two amendments to the Milleproproghe decree (being converted into law in Parliament), smart working will be extended until the end of June for two categories.

Which I always am the “fragile” workersi.e. those who have a certified pathology and parents of children under 14.

Smart working extended for fragile and under 14 parents (Getty Images)

What happened

According to the latest budget law only fragile workers could use smart working until next March 31st.

The Minister of Labor Marina Calderone, however, at the end of January it had opened to an extension which, these days, it was decided to confirmfor now, with a quarterly deadline.

How does the extension to June 30 work?

The extensionhowever, this time not it will only apply to fragile workers of the public and private sector as assumed in recent months.

It will also apply, in the purely private sector, for parents with children under the age of 14 even without individual agreements, but always “on condition that this working method is compatible with the characteristics of the service”.

They will be involved too those who have incompatible tasks and that therefore they will need a replacement (for example of teachers or health workers, starting with nurses). The salary will always be full.

Smart working, an amendment in half

In the positivity of the news, some unconvincing elements remain: in the meantime, the horizon extends less than the initial requestswho would have liked to continue agile work for the two categories at least until the end of the year.

Then there are the objections of the Pd which maintains that the Executive, despite having changed its mind on the amendment to protect fragile workers, however, he acquired a very small part of it.

The problem, according to the Dems, would be that Giorgia Meloni and her people would have said “no” to all the other extensions for the frail, always contained in the textwhich prevents the protection of workers who cannot operate in smart working and who remain in a limbo of uncertainty.

No to modifications to the Women’s Option and Psychologist Bonus

In the face of an important yes, unfortunately other equally important changes have remained outside. Indeed, in recent days, the Government’s “no” “for budgetary reasons” to several amendments, they are coming in bursts.

Between these, the extension of the Superbonus for villas. But also the possibility of putting his hand to Option womanthe measure that allows women to retire early with penalties.

It’s still another no to the enhancement of the psychologist bonusa widely used measure that has contributed to the improvement of the psychological well-being of many people.

