Small museum with success: “You have to keep innovating to surprise”

A completely new setup and better visitor numbers than before corona. A utopia for many small museums at the moment, but not for the Vestingmuseum in Naarden. “It’s actually going very well,” says director Pieter Koudijs

Fortress museum is successful – NH Nieuws

“Last March we were already at visitor numbers that were above the level of 2019”, Koudijs proudly says. According to him, several factors work in favor of his museum. “Of course we have quite a lot of culture here in Naarden and that ensures sufficient activity. In combination with a museum that is both indoors and outdoors, which is very important during corona, it has ensured that we are still on the radar.”

Last winter Koudijs dared to invest even further. “We have largely redesigned the museum with subsidies to adapt to the corona situation. Our spaces are very narrow and to create space we have exchanged our models for video projections to tell our story.”

“If you always do the same thing, you won’t get more visitors”

Pieter Koudijs – Dutch Fortress Museum

Innovation through which the museum can once again come out and call on people to come to the museum. According to the director, therein lies the greatest secret of its success. “You have to keep innovating to continue to surprise visitors. If you always do the same, you will not get more visitors.”
