Slightly smaller Batibouw opens its doors | Inland

After a digital edition in 2021 and a postponement in February, construction fair Batibouw will open its doors again today at Brussels Expo. With 600 exhibitors, the physical edition of 2022 will be somewhat smaller than in the past. Before corona, the fair could still count on about 800 participants.

In 2020, 187,000 visitors came to the fair, for this edition the organization is aiming for 150,000 visitors. In 2019, before the outbreak of corona, 257,000 people still visited the construction fair, a decrease of 10 percent compared to 2018.

This time, the organization of the fair has focused the spotlight on, among other things, innovations that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and energy bills. The latest generation of heat pumps, tailor-made solutions for solar panels, different types of insulation and many other alternatives to reduce energy consumption will be presented and explained in the palaces of Brussels Expo.

“We are ready to receive our visitors, so that they can gain inspiration, compare materials, discover exclusive novelties and have personal contacts with the specialists of the construction sector”, says Frédéric Devos, director of Batibouw.

The professional trade fair INSTALLPRO will also open its doors again for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), sanitary and electricity installers in Hall 3 of Brussels Expo on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 May.

Batibouw is open from Saturday 21 to Sunday 29 May, on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on weekends from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nocturnes are scheduled until 9 pm on Tuesday 24 May and Wednesday 25 May. An entrance ticket costs 15 euros.
