Slightly more corona patients in hospitals, sharp increase in positive tests: 48,503 | Inland

In total, there are now 1,445 corona patients in hospitals, 37 more than a day earlier. Compared to a week ago, there are now 129 fewer admissions.

In the nursing wards, 1,285 people with corona are among the members, an increase of 27. In the intensive care units, this number increased by 10 to 160.

Last 24 hours, 144 new corona patients were admitted to the nursing wards. 17 patients with corona were brought in on the ICs. That is a total of 8 less than Tuesday.

Some of the admitted patients who tested positive for the coronavirus were admitted primarily for another cause. This could be people with heart problems or stomach complaints, for example. After doing a corona test, it happens to be positive. The LCPS makes no distinction in the daily hospital figures between patients admitted with or because of corona.

Highest number in two weeks

The number of new corona cases has risen sharply. Between Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning, 48,503 positive tests were registered. That is the highest number in two weeks. The average is also rising, according to the daily figures of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

It is not known why the number of confirmed infections is rising, but the government has already taken into account that the relaxation of the corona rules could lead to a new revival of the corona virus. That is why risk groups will soon receive a booster shot again.

In the past seven days, RIVM registered 252,937 new corona cases. That equates to an average of 36,137 positive tests per day. The average is rising for the second day in a row, after more than two weeks of continuous decline.

Amsterdam had 2600 positive corona tests last day. In Utrecht 1439 infections came to light and in Groningen 1186. This is followed by The Hague (1121) and Rotterdam (975). Urk closes the row with five new cases. On Schiermonnikoog there were eleven positive tests in one day.

RIVM received eleven reports that people had died as a result of their corona infections. Among them are two residents of Amsterdam. The municipalities of Rotterdam, Deventer, Waalwijk, Aalten, Brummen, Oldebroek, Albrandswaard, Son en Breugel and Stede Broec each had one death.

More crowds after carnival

The corona test locations in Brabant, Limburg and Twente have become a bit busier after the carnival. It is not yet possible to say whether the increased demand for corona tests is a result of the parties, according to a spokeswoman for GGD Hart for Brabant.

In the region around Den Bosch and Tilburg, it will be busier in the test streets on Wednesday than previous days, she reports. This “results in a queue forming at times.” In South Limburg it is also “busier than usual”, according to a spokeswoman. More people than last week want to have a test taken. “There could be a connection with carnival.” She still had no figures on Wednesday afternoon.

Also in Twente, with carnival villages such as Oldenzaal and Borne, the test streets have become a bit busier. But whether the higher infection figures are the result of carnival is too early to say, according to her. “We do see a slight increase in the number of tests taken. On Tuesday 3100 tests were taken, a week earlier there were 2400,” says a spokeswoman for GGD Twente. The number of positive test results has also increased somewhat. “Tuesday we had 2000 positive tests, last week there were 1600,” said the spokeswoman. People don’t have to queue for a long time for a test appointment. “Everyone can just go.”

The umbrella organization, GGD GHOR Nederland, says that more people are also being tested in the north of the country. These are mainly people who return from winter sports. In the south, the number of appointments made rose on Tuesday, “usually leading to an increase in the number of test administrations.” In the rest of the country, the decline in the number of tests has stopped. “It is unknown whether this will continue or will lead to an increase. This depends on the effect of the spring break in the central and south regions that will end this week.”
