Sleep deprivation does not bother the proud mother of Jeffrey Stuut: “Just a little longer”

With small eyes, Annette Stuut from Enkhuizen showed up at work on Monday morning. As a result of the sleep deprivation she suffered in recent days, to see her son Jeffrey shine at the Paralympic Games in Beijing.

They are happy images. The Stuut family walking through their own living room in the early morning in polonaise. A camera crew from the NOS came to visit on Saturday night and watched how family, friends and other acquaintances sympathized with the skier from Enkhuizen.

Jeffrey Stuut – who suffers from spasm on both sides due to a brain haemorrhage at birth – will compete in various parts at the Paralympics. Last weekend it happened three days in a row. In the night from Friday to Saturday he finished 17th on the downhill, a great achievement. A day later he even finished in eleventh place in the Super G. “He went like a charm. Jeffrey was very happy with it himself.”

Top 10?

Partly due to the fatigue, he quickly fell on the combination last night, which meant that he was eliminated for the second moto. On Thursday and Saturday, the Enkhuizer (26) will compete in the giant slalom and slalom. “He can easily finish in the first ten in the giant slalom”, estimates his proud mother.

They follow ‘their’ Jeffrey with great interest, but from Enkhuizen. Due to corona measures, the public is not welcome in Beijing. “Earlier this season we were at the World Cup in Norway. It didn’t work out with Jeffrey. But lately things have gone better with skiing. And the feeling was good in China too. I always had a happy child on the line. There As a mother, it also makes you happy.”

In recent days, the Stuut family was always awake from 3 am. Over the next few days, the sleep deprivation can be eliminated. Thursday and Saturday Annette Send sets the alarm clock again. Without any reluctance, by the way. Laughing: “It’s still a bit of a bite.”
