Sleep and rest, the importance of going to bed at 10pm

TOGoing to bed early is a good and healthy habit
and that sleeping the “canonical” eight hours is essential. Not only that, but that having an excellent relationship with sleep and rest helps your physical and mental health. This is confirmed again by a recent study from the University of Exeter published in November by European Heart Journal. But does it really apply to everyone? “Not exactly. It is important to remember that sleep is subjective, therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all night routine and that there are various factors to consider in understanding the effects of the sleep-wake rhythm. An element that allows you to better understanding when you should go to sleep is your personal chronotype»Explains the Dr. Verena Senn, neurobiologist and head of Emma’s sleep research – The Sleep Company.

Sleep and rest: it’s all a matter of chronotype

If it is true that sleeping the classic eight hours is good for the body, the study carried out by the University of Exeter shows how the time you go to bed affects the circadian rhythm. More precisely, the later you go to bed, the more glucose regulation is altered, a fact that can lead to an increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

This is what the study states. Add to this the chronotype, which is a genetic component and therefore extremely personal. As Dr. Senn points out, there are four types and they determine the relationship with sleep but also how active you are during the day «I “Balanced” they are people who follow the natural course of the sun, they need at least 8 hours of sleep and the most productive time of day for them is late morning. These are the most numerous and they represent 50-60% of the population. THE “Early risers”instead, they are all colors full of energy and that get up early in the morning. The “active” are instead “Vigilant” even while they sleep, they are light sleepers and are more prone to insomnia. Finally, i “Nocturnal” they are very productive in the morning and late at night, never sleep and struggle to get up early.

In bed at 11 pm: is it a rule for everyone?

Therefore, based on your chronotype, it is not always necessary to go to bed between 10pm and 11pm: “Surely, being the majority of the population” balanced “, this time has become standard for many, but not everyone. In fact, it should not be underestimated that following your chronotype and respecting your personal internal circadian rhythm could reduce the risk of running into various health problems.

Not only that, but also from a psychological point of view, go beyond your sleep schedule, force yourself to work at times of the day that are not in line with your chronotype, sleep less than 8 hours, are all elements that they can generate stress, anxiety and even depressionThe doctor explains.

Age and bad habits alter sleep

Therefore, following your own inclinations is important «For some people this time may be considered too early or too late to go to bed. The advice is to always follow your inclinations, without worrying excessively if the sleep time does not coincide with that generally recommended by experts “.

There are also situations that make it impossible to respect these schedules, for example in the case of shift workers, as well as being a matter of age: “Both children and the elderly find it very difficult to respect this time window, the former because they have not yet developed their own routine and the latter because age leads to normal sleep interruptions ». Then there are also other factors such as the consumption of drinks and stimulating substances close to the working hours, a very similar situation also for those who practice sports or for those who work late.



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