Slafkovsky overtook Kemelli and Lambert in the draft listings

Finnish players dropped down ahead of the NHL draft.

Juraj Slafkovsky of Slovakia won the bronze medal at the Beijing Olympics. AOP

Sportsnet website released its monthly advance on the 2022 NHL draft.

Finnish JYP’s Joakim Kemell and Lahti Pelicans’ Brad Lambert have dropped off the list compared to last month.

Kemell was second on the February list, and now he has dropped to sixth place. Lambert, who was fifth last month, dropped a couple of places to be seventh on the current list.

It was previously mentioned that Kemelli’s setup was reduced by his sluggish play in the League after an injury in November.

King of the Olympic paint

Kemell, among others, was dropped by Slovak striker Juraj Slafkovsky.

The name of the 17-year-old, who plays in the colors of TPS in the league, rose to everyone’s lips at the Beijing Olympics at the latest.

Slafkovsky, who won the paint market in Beijing, rose from fourth to second place in the preliminary list.

Canadian playing in the North American OHL Shane Wright has held the number one reserve position since January.

July 7-8 day at the booking ceremony in Montreal will now see players already at the top level.

Joakim Kemell’s ranking on the advance booking list has changed. AOP

The Russians are gone

Russia’s attack on Ukraine will also affect this year’s NHL draft.

For example, it is not yet clear whether Canada and the United States will issue visas to Russian players.

Fans ‘reactions to the clubs’ possible choices of Russian players may also be different from previous years.

The question also arises as to whether Russian players themselves feel comfortable entering North America.
