Sky announces prequels to Romanzo Criminale and Gomorrah: previews

They will respectively tell the story of the rise of the Banda della Magliana and the youth of Don Pietro Savastano

Editorial board

Sky Studios and Cattleya – part of ITV Studios – are at I’m working on the prequels of two of their most iconic and representative series: Criminal novel And Gomorrahtwo of the sagas most appreciated by the Italian public.

the prequel to Romanzo Criminale

The origin story of Crime Novel – The series will focus on the years preceding the rise of the Banda della Magliana: a story of Roman crime that takes place before the events told in the two seasons of the series but which is linked to its characters. The “father” of the historical series is also on board the project for the prequel Giancarlo De Cataldomagistrate, author of the novel of the same name (published by Einaudi) from which the mother series is based as well as the subject of the series.


The most international of Italian TV series also returns, Gomorrah, sold in over 190 territories worldwide. Fifth place in the rankings New York Times among the most important non-American TV series of the 2010-2020 decade, the Sky Original series inspired by the bestseller by Roberto Saviano will continue its journey on a global scale with a prequel that will tell the story of the criminal rise of boss Pietro Savastanofrom when he was just a street boy to becoming the most important and ruthless boss in Naples.

“Fifteen years after the debut of Criminal novelwe are ready to announce the prequels to Criminal novel and of Gomorrah” has explained Nils Hartmann, EVP Sky Studios for Italy and Germany. “It’s the right time to go back to square one, we’re in the writing phase for both projects.” “Novel And Gomorrah they have revolutionized the Italian image story (television but also cinema), and are now part of the international canon of the new seriality, which seems to be the novel of the third millennium” he explained Riccardo Tozzi, founder of Cattleya. “Going back to the origins of Novel And Gomorrah it means exploring new storytelling possibilities, always between epic and realism and with an always contemporary look, also from the point of view of style. It is therefore a return, but with the same desire to innovate“.
