Skincare over 30: the beauty secrets of the Millennials

Land Millennials, land thirtysomethings today, they seem (often) much younger than their actual age. This can be attributed to their mindful and diligent approach to skincare and beauty. What do you deem essential in the skin care over 30?

Skincare over 30: the beauty secrets of the Millennials

«Millennials (those who were born between 1980 and 1996) grew up in the age of information and technology. Exposed from a young age to a wide range of products and treatments that promote healthy, youthful skin, they immediately understood the importance of a correct beauty routine» explains Cristina Della Beffa, Korff Brand Manager.

“Be careful targeted and personalized home protocols, young women of this age group are aware of the importance of skincare that starts from one adequate cleansing and continues with a careful selection dedicated to cellular renewal”.

Serum, moisturizer and sunscreen

Emma Watson, 33 (Getty Images)

«Use a combination of specific products for skin care it is a well-established gesture that is part of the daily routine. Inevitable regular use of serum, moisturizer and sunscreen».

“THE serums, for example, they provide a wide range of ultra-concentrated active ingredients that enhance the effectiveness of creams. From hyaluronic acid for deep hydration to retinol for cell renewal, collagen-stimulating peptides and protective antioxidants, there are many ingredients that offer surprising results».

“There Sun protection, moreover, it is considered an indispensable step in the beauty routine to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays» continues the expert.

Supplement consumers

“Also, the skincare over30 is not based solely on external skin care, but is often enhanced by specific supplements based on vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that promote collagen production, improve skin elasticity and fight the signs of aging. In short, they contribute, in synergy with skincare, to keeping the skin healthy, luminous and young».

Skincare over 30: prevention and knowledge of the skin

“One of key trends in skincare today is awareness of the importance of prevention» continues to explain Cristina Della Beffa, Korff Brand Manager.

«It’s also very important to know your own skin, though choose targeted products that respond to specific needs. Thanks to the advancement of technology and the availability of online counseling, more and more girls and young women are adopting one customized skincare. Through the analysis of the skin and its needs, specific products are recommended to address individual problems, guaranteeing optimal results» continues the expert.

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Technology and beauty tools are friends

«Finally, technological progress has opened up new avenues in the field of skincare. The latest trends include high-tech beauty devices, such as skin cleansing brushes, LED masks, face rollers and massage tools with very effective performance».

«These devices help improve the effectiveness of the products, the tone and elasticity of the skin. The combined use of technology and skincare is becoming a daily reality, especially for Millennialsbringing the beauty routine to a new level of innovation and result» concludes Cristina Della Beffa.

