Skin minimalism versus K-beauty: the differences

Pochi cosmetics and skincare step but good, like a thorough cleansing before going to bed, a day cream equipped with sunscreena serum and, before sleep, a repairing mask: it is the mantra of Skin minimalism, the most minimalist current of skin care. Which is instead opposed to the maximalist one suggested by the K-beauty Korean, which instead focuses on the stratification of many cosmetics. We asked a dermatologist to explain exactly what they consist of Skin minimalism and K-beauty.

Skin minimalism, the principle of the essential

Reduced steps and optimized benefits. «Skin minimalism literally derives from the word “skin” = skin and “minimalism” = minimalism, and represents the tendency to go in search of a “lean” skin care, which involves the use of a few but essential cosmetics.

Less is more is the idea on which this philosophy is based, that focuses on cleansing, hydrating and protecting the skinmaking use of specific active ingredients and targeted formulations of proven efficacy”, explains Elisabetta Fulgionespecialist in dermatology and venereology, professor at the international school of aesthetic medicine FBF Rome, aesthetic doctor and National Treasurer of Sime (Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine).

Also called Skinimalismis an approach to the choices of concise and simple beauty routine. «In addition to the small number of cosmetics used, even the ingredients are reduced to the essentials: simplicity, however, does not mean giving up effectiveness. In a very simple facial routine thehyaluronic acidthe C vitaminthe niacinamide and the retinol they are among the essential active ingredients preferred in this type of beauty routine».

Rice water, the natural ally for face and body skin care

The steps of skin minimalism

In order for the skin to be healthy and beautiful, there are some steps, products and active ingredients that cannot be sacrificed. “There cleansing represents the first fundamental step for proper skin care, and includes the use of specific products, which allow you to eliminate dirt and smog to keep it in good condition, and avoid the appearance of blemishes and comedones, is essential».

The second step is hydration. «A cream, or a serum, based on specific anti-aging active ingredients, and sebum regulators if the skin requires it, is sufficient, to be applied all over the face without forgetting the neck and décolleté».

«Third step, inevitableconsists in drawing up a Sun protectionto reduce and prevent skin aging caused by UV rays».

K-beauty and the charm of many skincare steps

«Korea boasts an ancient cosmetic tradition handed down for generations, and its typical beauty process is called K-beautyor Korean routines, has also conquered the West for years», explains Elisabetta Fulgione. «The skin care approach it consists of a real ritualcharacterized by the use of products made with high quality raw materials and advanced research into formulations», explains dermatologist Elisabetta Fulgione.

The many steps of K-beauty

The best known routine is the one based on about 10 stepsbut even if we focus on the consistent number of steps that structure it, the real heart of the Korean routine is actually enclosed in 8 steps.

«The first step consists in the double cleaning to be done with a cleansing oil and with a product to be rinsed; the second is the tonic followed by the essence, a concentrated fluid, then the serum, the moisturizer and the eye contour, and concludes with sunscreen», says the dermatologist. «Textile masks and scrubs are, on the other hand, the extra treatments to be repeated 1-2 times a week like».

Which routine to choose?

Who are the ideal candidates for Skin minimalism and K-beauty? «In both cases it is the consistency that really makes the difference. Both approaches involve a daily commitment focused on self-care and beautya», underlines the dermatologist Elisabetta Fulgione.

Indicated for all skin types, the two home care protocols have several lowest common denominators. «The two skincare products have 3 points in common: cleansing, hydration and protection from UV rays, which represent the fundamental and universal rules for skin care and the prevention of blemishes and skin aging».

