Skin in spring: how to change your face skincare

LSpring and Easter inaugurate the weekends outside the city of the summer: more time to spend outdoors also means greater exposure to the sun and also to pollen, two elements that have an impact on the skin. For this it is not only necessary to prepare the epidermis but also adapt your beauty routine daily changing skincare products.

Skin in spring, more sensitive with sudden changes in temperature

«The skin has to adapt to this transitional period towards the summer season and “wake up” hand in hand. The climatic change subjects the skin to very variable temperatures in a short time, making it particularly sensitive» explains la doctor Caterina Lanna, consultant dermatologist for SVR.

Spring is a particularly delicate season for the skin, the weather is highly variable and makes it highly sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. Added to this are pollen and sun: the first exposures involve not only the predisposition to the emergence of small skin spots but also a reawakening of the production of sebum.

«The primary need of the epidermis in this period is to be hydrated and protected at the same time, both from the sun but also from irritating substances such as pollen. This is why it needs to regenerate and prepare for the arrival of summer in the best possible way». A complex situation that risks being caught unprepared, thus increasing dehydration and epidermal sensitivity”.

How skincare changes in spring

The watchwords, therefore in this period, are hydration and protection. In spring, two become indispensable basic steps: the serum and the cream.

The first should have a multitasking formulation: fight the signs of aging and prevent spots, thus performing an antioxidant action, and at the same time giving brightness. For this it is important that the serum, to be applied under the cream, contains 20% vitamin C, the most suitable quantity as the expert points out to attenuate the gray complexion of the end of winter. In addition to vitamin C, E is very suitable, which also has a soothing action, and omega 3, 6 and 9».

«The next step is the cream. This should be both plumping and rejuvenating: fundamental is the action ofhyaluronic acid, which acts throughout the day keeping the level of hydration high. Also important are the pasteurized probiotics which repair the epidermis from external agents thus keeping the epidermal microbiota in balance».

What not to do: Exfoliation with acids

Compared to the winter routine, the spring one is lightened by some steps that must be set aside.

«Photosensitizing skincare products must definitely be abandoned. Therefore, acids such as glycolic and salicylic, retinoids and vitamin A derivatives, which are normally used in winter for the treatment of acne and anti-aging, are banned» concludes Dr. Lanna.

The importance of the eye contour, day and night

The detail to never forget? «The underrated eye contouran area of ​​the face that especially in spring can appear edematous and congested».

In the morning, it’s better to «choose one with the presence of caffeine to reduce swelling and activate blood and lymphatic circulation. Alternatively, seaweed: their extract in fact acts on the melanin deposit and helps fight dark circles, giving a rested look ».

For the night, however, «the eye contour should stimulate epidermal regenerationimprove skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles, ensuring a smooth look».

The first sunscreens, even in the city

«The sun is a friend but also an enemy of the skin. It is in fact very important for the production of vitamin D, the main factor in bone growth, but at the same time it intervenes in the skin photoaging processes with the appearance of spots, wrinkles, and even, in the most serious cases, skin tumors. Consequently, UV rays must be taken in the right amount and with due precautions» explains the expert.

“This means use sunscreens with SPF 30-50depending on your phototype, so as to prevent any manifestation: «To be effective, the protection should be reapplied every 2-3 hours».

Evening routine, serums and creams in a by night version

And for the evening? “There serum and cream combination but in night version is always the most suitable, even at the end of the day. The serum should be rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 and vitamin E: it rebalances the skin barrier, soothes, relaxes and reduces tension and redness caused by daily aggressions».

Subsequently «it is of fundamental importance to apply a remodeling and plumping cream, with a rich texture, possibly containing 2% vegetable collagen and vitamin C, both essential for stimulating the production of epidermal collagen, reducing wrinkles and signs of ageing».

Even in the evening we must not forget the eye contourchoosing a product that stimulates epidermal regeneration, improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles during the night» declares the expert.

