Skin Cycling, how to simplify your night skincare routine

S.kin Cycling is a theory – protocol studied by the American dermatologist Whitney Bowe that modifies the skincare routine in order to avoid a massive use of products on the skin, especially at night. Four days are enough to “reset” the skin, and it is depopulating on social networks: that’s why.

Skin Cycling, the theory that simplifies night skincare

Developed and coined by Dr. Whitney Bowe, a dermatologist in New York, Skin Cycling is an epidermal protocol born from the need not to stress the skin too much and to let it fully absorb the nutrients, without overloading it with products.

“In years of experience, I have noticed that many people make the mistake of applying multiple products, exfoliants, scrubs, retinol, thinking they are working correctly. Not so, in fact inflammation and irritation are often caused by a bad routineDr. Bowe recently explained to beauty magazine Byrdie.

Hence, after years of work, the coining of the term “skin cycling” whose hashtag, in a very short time, has exceeded over 15 million views on social networks. The idea behind it? Few products, suitable for your skin to be applied precisely.

Skin Cycling, four days to re-accustom the skin

The Skin Cycling protocol is developed in four nights, two of “activities” for the skin, the remaining of “rest” so that the epidermis can fully absorb nutrients.

The cycle begins in the early evening: after normal cleansing, we dedicate ourselves exfoliation followed by the usual moisturizing face cream. As Dr. Bowe suggests, she would be better to opt for a chemical and non-physical exfoliationso as to prepare the skin for the second night.

We then proceed the following evening with the retinol which must generally be used cyclically and not daily and must not be applied together with other products.

The third and fourth nights are those of epidermal “rest”, dduring these two evenings the focus is therefore on hydration and repair, applying a specific nourishing cream that nourishes and takes care of the skin barrier tested by external aggressions. Then, the cycle begins again.

The next morning

What about the following morning? The routine must be the traditional one, with facial cleanser, vitamin C-based serum and SPF protection. As the dermatologist advises, it is essential to drink plenty of water and help the epidermis with polyphenol-based supplements.

Is skin cycling suitable for everyone?

The protocol is developed to take care of the skin without weighing it down with the use, and often abuse, of too many products all together, the main cause of irritation and redness.

But is it suitable for everyone? Yes, but something needs to be done: the secret of this protocol, in addition to having patience and acting calmly with the skin, is that of choose the right face creamthe most suited to your needs that rebalances the epidermis at the end of the treatment.

