Skiers’ descent at Games is canceled today due to gusts of wind | winter games

The downhill for men in alpine skiing has been postponed today. Due to the strong wind in Yanqing, located about 200 kilometers from Beijing, starting is not justified, according to the organizers. The match will no longer be able to take place today.

The match was originally scheduled to start at 11am local time (4am Belgian time), but was moved to 1pm (6am UK time) and then 2pm (7am UK time). In the end, a recent evaluation of the weather conditions decided to cancel today’s game. The organization will reschedule the part.

“The competition jury, together with the organizer, made this decision in the interest of safety and fair conduct of the competition,” the International Ski Federation FIS further explained its decision.

On Saturday, the last training session on the more than 3 kilometer long slope of Yanqing was already interrupted due to the strong wind, which kept changing direction. After three skiers came down, the organization decided to abort the training.

Four years ago, at the Pyeongchang Games in South Korea, the high winds often bothered skiers. Then the descent for the men was even postponed by a day.

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