Skiër (51) veroorzaakt avalanche in Oostenrijk and overleeft the niet | Nieuws

The 51-year-old man from Tsjechië was on the slopes on the skies. Hij veroorzaakt an avalanche was a snow mass of ongeveer 150 meters breed 300 meters to the bottom of the snow on a hoogte of 2,700 meters.

The skis are completely covered by the snow and over the snow. Ooggetuigen condens de man nog uitgraven, maar hun resuscitation efforts were never successful.

Also in the province of Salzburg there is an avalanche in the recent black snow. Volgens first -onbevestigde- reports will be served by two people. Helicopters and a honden team went to the zoo, with a mountain rescue team of 22 people. Our grandchildren will be affected by the zoekactie and the children will be taught by the children, reported by the Salzburger Bergreddingsdienst.

Zaterdag much he verses snow of a half meter of the sea in grote delen van Oostenrijk. Het lawinegevaar was hoog in sommige region.
