Ski legend settles accounts with world association

The German alpine legend Markus Wasmeier has accused the World Ski Association Fis of inaction in the fight against climate change.

“I don’t think Fis gives any thought to ecological things,” said the double Olympic champion of the “German Press Agency”.

Wasmeier was particularly critical of President Johan Eliasch, who has been at the head of the association since summer 2021. “He doesn’t check anything. Just pure chaos,” said Wasmeier.

The Upper Bavarian, who celebrates his 60th birthday this Saturday, primarily criticized the design of the World Cup calendar.

The start of the season in October and two men’s trips to the USA have “absolutely nothing” to do with sustainability for the ski expert. “What’s the back and forth. Eliasch drives the whole thing up against the wall,” said Wasmeier, advocating postponing the races “a few weeks” later.

Wasmeier is not the first to accuse Fis of greenwashing. In the spring, around 150 winter sports enthusiasts complained in an open letter about what they considered to be inadequate climate plans from the world association. He consistently rejects criticism of his sustainability efforts.

“Since 2021, when President Eliasch was elected head of the Fis, sustainability has been at the center of the association. It is a priority in everything that the Fis does,” it said recently.
