Ski jumping: The German ski eagles in the Olympic check – Olympia

Four victories by high-flyer Karl Geiger and podium places by Markus Eisenbichler and Katharina Althaus give hope for golden moments for the German ski jumping team.

At the very front is Karl Geiger, who has been one of the absolute world leaders for years. However, gold at the Ski Flying World Championships 2020 is his only major individual title so far. He confidently traveled to Beijing in the jersey of the World Cup leader.

Geiger most widely positioned

In singles he is”the bench for us“, says sports show expert Sven Hannawald. He has learned to adapt to new things at short notice. And that is required, because the hill is new and is at 1,500 meters. It’s a different feeling,”when you jump out, you don’t have the cushion under you that you’re actually used to at normal heights“, explains Hannawald. Therefore: “I think Karl has the widest range.

Eisenbichler like a box of chocolates

And, “Of course, Markus Eisenbichler is also a great candidate for medals or maybe at the top.” But “everything has to be right for him beforehand“. The Siegsdorfer has to get up for it and “feel, this is my day, he also showed that at the World Championships in Innsbruck. Since he has become world champion sovereign and with jumps – madness.

Hannawald describes the 30-year-old “as a box of chocolates, you don’t know what’s inside. There may also be one that doesn’t taste good at all.” If things don’t go well, the Upper Bavarian presents himself as an explosive volcano who wears his heart on his sleeve.

Katharina Althaus: Jumped into shape

From the point of view of Hannawald, Katharina Althaus hasjumped into shape.” Especially on the big hill in Willingen, where she came second twice in the dress rehearsal for the highlight of the season.

Two strong competitors are missing

At the 2018 Winter Games, she celebrated silver behind Norway’s Maren Lundby, who is on a break this season. In addition, the last dominant Sara Marita Kramer is missing. The Austrian is “unfortunately not there due to corona, so a main competitor is not at the start. This of course increases the chances that Katharina may also be at the top“, so the former ski jumping star. “I hope for them that it will at least be a medal.”

Team: Who can offer?

It’s difficult to make an accurate forecast with the team: “I hope that everyone gets along well with the new hill. Of course, with Markus Eisenbichler and Karl Geiger, you have our front men in the team.” Who else comes along depends on the impressions that national coach Stefan Horngacher can collect in training. “Of course, Stephan Leyhe is also a bank“, says Hannawald. And of course “Constantine Schmid. When he hits his jumps, he’s right on Karl Geiger’s level.”

However, the team Olympic champion from Salt Lake City also sees the strong competition: “You could see the Slovenians jumped in really well. The Japanese are also coming in a bit more staggered fashion. And the Austrians and the Norwegians.

It’s gotten tighter. “There were years when I said a medal would definitely come. Here I hope she comes.” Also because you’ve already had team competitions this season and unfortunately didn’t get on the podium. “It doesn’t matter which medal, and if it’s bronze, I’d be super happy.

Source: Sven Hannawald, Margot Lamparter


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