Ski jumping live: Zakopane HS 140 team in the live ticker | 01/15/2022 16:00



Austria will not take the lead because the gap is already too big for that. But Austria will catch up after a great jump by Daniel Tschofenig. With 135 meters and spotless grades in the 19 range, Austria improved to fifth place. The leaders are the Slovenians ahead of Japan and Norway.



Robin Pedersen was able to recommend himself in the training sessions and now in the competition it fits together with the new Norwegian man. His jump is only over after 131.5 meters. However, there are also a few deductions for Aufwind, which pulled in on him. Norway is third, 27.2 points behind.



Stephan Leyhe has to intervene briefly at the top, but then the jump fits together better and it goes down to 129.5 meters. However, that’s not enough to catch up and you are in fifth place behind Russia.



The Japanese took the lead after the first jump, but can they keep that position after the second group? No! After only 122.5 meters it is even behind Slovenia. It is 16.7 points behind the competitor.



Peter Prevc clenches his fist on the exit. Finally, the 29-year-old’s jump fits together again and he can burn the 133.5 meters into the snow. Slovenia stay tuned!



What else can Stefan Hula do for his team? The veteran had to prove himself again over the Continental Cup, but is doing a good job today and has a solid 125 meters. He takes the Poles past Russia.



Ilya Mankov already has a completely different level. Even if there were still reserves at the take-off, he can really get a lot out of his jump and put the 125.5 meters into the slope. Russia confidently sets itself apart from Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.



At 17, Danil Vassilyev is also one of the very young athletes in the field. After 115 meters he does it much better than Rydl before and brings his team very close to the Czechs. Only 0.1 points separate the teams.


Czech Republic

Youngster Radek Rydl makes the second jump for the Czechs. However, he already has a lot of problems on the approach and not everything fits together during the flight either. With 112 meters it will not be easy for the Czech Republic.



phew! Daniel Huber comes off the take-off much too late, has hardly any height and can no longer repair much in the jump. After only 118 meters his jump is over and Austria is in seventh place. It leads Japan ahead of Slovenia and Norway.



Meanwhile, Daniel-Andre Tande keeps his team in the race after the first jump and, with 127 meters, makes the second-best attempt in this group. However, there are smaller deductions for the tailwind and Norway takes third place behind Slovenia.



Severin Freund is the first starter who has to wait before the jump is cleared. The wind was too strong from behind. When he is let off, he has it much like the athletes before him. The timing doesn’t add up at the table and he has to land at 121.5 meters. There are some deductions in the attitude. Where does Germany come out? In fifth place. 27.6 points are already missing to Japan.



Yukiya Sato looks back on strong training sessions, can he do it again now? He leaves the take-off with a lot of confidence, has no problems in the air and smashes the 130.5 meters. For posture there are three times the 18.0. Japan passes Slovenia by 6.6 points. Three teams are still up.



Lovro Kos is the turn for the Slovenians. He does a good job with the tailwinds and opens for his nation with a jump of 126.5 meters. There are 16.9 points for tailwind on top, which then makes a total of 133.1 points and the lead.



The Poles are unusually early in the team competitions this season, because we haven’t had much together so far. On the home hill, the start isn’t really successful either. With 124 meters they even lag behind Russia.



Danil Sadreev makes the start for the team from Russia. The tailwind has increased significantly for him again, but he can easily sail over the previous distances. Russia starts the competition with 123.5 meters. Now we have to wait and see what the competition can come up with.



22-year-old Nikita Devyatkin is the next to go over the hill. He still has his problems on the approach and in the transition to flight and he has to land at 102.5 meters.


Czech Republic

It’s served and Filip Sakala starts things off for the Czechs. With a light tailwind, however, he can only climb 108.5 meters. Certainly not the start the team wanted.


Who else do you need to watch out for?

It could be an exciting team competition again today, because the field is pretty even and there are several nations that can be at the forefront. In addition to the Norwegians, these also include the Japanese and Slovenes. The Poles have to do without several of their top stars at their home game. Kubacki is missing after a positive corona test, Stoch due to a foot injury. A total of nine teams are at the start. Eight of them make it to the final.


The German Quartet

After last week’s team event didn’t go according to plan, the German team certainly wants to attack again in Zakopane and get involved in the fight for the podium places. Severin Freund, Stephan Leyhe as well as Markus Eisenbichler and Karl Geiger will be jumping today. Andreas Wellinger left Zakopane. After his training jump, he felt a stab in his right knee, as the German Ski Association announced. He will now be examined in Germany.


Austria strikes again?

There have already been two team competitions this winter and twice the victory went to the athletes from Austria. So the team should be the clear favorite to win again today. Daniel Huber, Daniel Tschofenig, Clemens Aigner and Jan Hörl were nominated for the team competition.


Not much happened on Friday

Not much happened in Zakopane on Friday. The training was canceled after 44 jumpers due to too much wind and the qualification for tomorrow’s individual competition could not take place either. Accordingly, the ski jumpers had to start earlier today to catch up on the training. Accordingly, the nomination phase lasted longer than usual. The participating athletes are only known shortly before the competition.


Warm welcome!

Hello and welcome to the ski jumping stronghold of Zakopane. Today is the next team competition of the season. It starts at 4 p.m.!



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