Skating fever is rising: “I’ve been patient for two years, I’m really not going to wait”

“I’m coming to see how the ice is, but I’ll wait until Thursday to try it,” says a lady who walks along the Bergsepad in Ankeveen. The ice in Ankeveen is often passable a little earlier than in other places in North Holland. Today it is still too thin, but according to a few hikers there will be daredevils who will try it tomorrow.

Skating desire in the Gooi – NH News

According to weatherman Jan Visser, it is not colder in Ankeveen and there is not really another meteorological reason why ice in Ankeveen is rather thick. “Maybe it has to do with the current of the water or with the shallowness,” says NH’s weatherman. “But it can also simply mean that Ankeveen is a very fanatical skating enthusiast”.

“There will be another centimeter tonight, I’m so excited”

Ice cream lover Ankeveen

Whatever the reason, at the Bergsepad we meet a number of hikers who are determined to give it a try on Wednesday. A lady thinks that is not responsible. Her skates are sharpened, she says, but she still postpones skating for another day, she waits until Thursday. A middle-aged gentleman has already put on a light blue ice cap and approaches us with the announcement that it will happen tomorrow morning: “We will add another centimeter tonight and then you can skate on it just fine,” he says with a broad grin. “I’m so excited about it.”

NH News
