Skater Nuis is looking forward to a holiday after a speed record attempt

Skater Nuis is looking forward to a holiday after a speed record attempt

Skater Kjeld Nuis has to come into action one more time after his successful season, including the Olympic title in the 1500 meters. After that, Nuis (32) has about a month’s holiday, in which he says “mainly to stay at home for a while”. “The month in Beijing was fun, but also really long.” In Norway, a new speed record attempt on the skates is not expected until Thursday, if the weather is good.

“I’m really looking forward to it”, Nuis says from the bus towards Lake Savalen, where he will try to skate at least 100 kilometers per hour. “Four years ago in Sweden it was also fantastic, but the top speed was only two figures (93 km/h). I really want to get to three figures and I think I can do it.”

According to Nuis, between fifty and sixty people traveled to Norway for him to make this possible. “Very bizarre. That feels like an honor.” With a more aerodynamic car to drive behind and better ice, things should go faster this year. “I am not satisfied with 99 kilometers per hour.”

Games of 2026

And then the season is really over. “Last time I did nothing for a week and then I picked up the bike or went to the gym. But at least I have no obligations for a few weeks.” In May, the preparations for the new season for Nuis at Team Reggeborgh begin, but without his retired teammate Ireen Wüst. “Of course I’m going to miss her. Humanly, but also professionally. But she said: ‘I’ll really stay close, you know’.”

Nuis says he wants to drive on for at least another four years, until the 2026 Games in Italy. “That’s really my goal.” He says he doesn’t know yet what his team will look like. “I’m curious.” On Tuesday it was announced that Michel Mulder will stop as assistant to coach Gerard van Velde and that Louis Hollaar will come over from Team IKO for two years.

“I know Louis, he is a good skater with a lot of potential. His spearhead is the 1500 meters, but he is actually also an all-rounder. That is very nice as a teammate. Then he can go on long rides on the bike, you really have that what about.”
