‘Sjoerd van Ramshorst needs attention’

Private boss Evert Sankrediets hits back at the grumbling BN’er Sjoerd van Ramshorst, known from football programs at the NOS. “He probably needs attention.”

© SBS 6, NPO

Sjoerd van Ramshorst: who doesn’t know him? Well, just about all Dutch people who don’t watch football. Yet the presenter states that he is so interesting for the tabloids that he has been in it countless times, especially during his relationship with the naughty presenter Dionne Stax. And he’s definitely not happy about that.

Sjoerd complains

According to NOS-Sjoerd, magazines such as Privé and Story invent everything together. “Those tabloids just make up a lot. Large parts were just made up together. Nor is there any one of those magazines who has ever called me once to ask if it’s right. Not that I would have answered, but that says enough.”

Well, that’s a big sneer at editors-in-chief Evert Sankrediets and Guido den Aantrekker. But is it really all right? Were those magazines really full of nonsense about him?

Rich fantasy

Evert checked the archive and came to the conclusion that Sjoerd has a rich imagination. “That sports presenter, yes. He complains that he was in the magazines, but I checked the archive again and it was not in the magazines at all,” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

He continues: “Yes, once he had an affair with Dionne Stax, once when he broke up with Dionne Stax and then again when he himself said on TV that he would not be there for a while because he was getting married. I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

Moment of fame

All in all, Evert doesn’t understand Sjoerd’s complaining at all. “He blames the magazines for making things up, for never asking for a rebuttal, and actually he’s looking for his moment of fame I believe. I am not aware of any harm.”

He continues: “The only time we called him was that he told me he was getting married. Then we called him if he wanted to tell us something about it. He didn’t want that. Well, equally good friends, Sjoerd van Ramshorst.”

More attention

Evert strongly believes that Sjoerd just wants some attention. “Now he’s in Panorama complaining about the magazines, but I always have the idea of ​​people like this that they would like a little more in the magazines than a little less. Maybe we should just leave it at that.”

Finally: has Sjoerd now earned a piece in the Privé? “If there is something to report, but I think there is never much to report about Sjoerd van Ramshorst. Let him do his best on TV.”
