Sjaan on the Job #1: Sjaan is back!

Sjaan is back on the track! After her introduction in 2019, Sjaan will once again fully enjoy the TT in Assen this year.

From the festival, the campsites to the circuit, Jeanine Hofsteenge will spend the next few days looking for the ultimate TT feeling. At full speed, for 5 days, a new vlog every day.

In the first episode they look back at the previous episodes, but of course they mainly look ahead. They do that at the well-known TT’s, just outside the circuit. They also take a look at TT campsite Jan and Bertha and have them put on a TT tattoo. Of course you can also get such a tattoo, but then you have to tip Sjaan where she should go. You can do that under the YouTube video or on Facebook.

Watch the first episode of Sjaan op de Baan here:
