Sixty thousand solar panels surrounded by greenery in Assen-Zuid energy garden

Solar panels surrounded by plants, forests and shrubs: that is the plan for the energy garden in Assen-South. Intended to generate energy, but also for recreation and education. This week a start has been made with planting the first hedges.

The generation via the energy garden in Assen-Zuid must be done by means of solar panels. Between the panels there is space for bicycle paths, picnic areas and various works of art.

Hundred football fields

Initially, there was to be a business park on the site of the sustainable energy site, but there was little enthusiasm for it. Sixty thousand solar panels will now be installed on the fifty hectares of land, more than a hundred football fields. Good for electricity for six thousand households.

Project leader Christiaan Teule: “In total there will be seven lots with solar panels. That is about half of the site. The other half will remain undeveloped, for nature. Plants and bicycle paths will be placed between the panels. The electric bicycles can also be charged.”

Hedges have been planted this week, but more than five thousand plants have already been planted last week. First sowing is done at the edges of the garden, then between the panels, Teule explains. “Biodiversity in this area must be increased. Not only more birds, but also the soil is looked at. For example, at beetles and worms. We will look for each lot how we can improve nature. Each lot will have its own speciality, such as a bird lot. .”

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