Six women, The mystery of Leila, the previews of the last episode

Sttasera on Rai 1 at 21.25 the investigation ends PM Annaprotagonist of the miniseries Six Women – the mystery of Leila by Vincenzo Mara. Finally we will know the truth behind the escape of the teenager Leila. The sums are drawn a psychological thriller that tells a terrible reality and what binds the six women of the title, each wounded in its own way. I am Anne, Michela (Ivana Lotito), Alessia, Viola (Isabella Ferrari), Aysha and precisely Leila.

Why the girl fled from Taranto with her stepfather Gregorio? Anna concentrates on the figure of Aysha, the best friend of the wanted girl. We know that she is hiding something, the spectators know it and the PM and her right hand intuit it Liotta. Together, in the villa in Polignano where the mother of Leila and where the girl spent her summers, they will discover a terrible truth. Why has the teenager changed since last summer?

Six Women – The Mystery of Leila: the previews of the last episode

Anne (Maya Sansa) and Inspector Emanuele Liotta (Alessio Vassallo) question Aysha (Cristina Parku), best friend of Leila (Silvia Dina Pacente). What is he hiding? The two investigate the past of the two girls and discover that Aysha’s brother had been attacked by Gregory (Maurizio Lastrico). How come? “He was simply in love with Leila,” replies her sister, and her stepfather defended her daughter from whoever was too close to her.

Maya Sansa and Alessio Vassallo. (Rai)

But there is another guy madly in love with her: Fabio. The two grew up together, and he supported Leila after the death of her mother, during the most difficult period of her life. Friendship turns into love. After the last summer, however, things change: Leila behaves abnormally and she no longer wants to see Fabioand neither Aysha. At the same time, his academic performance plummets.

Leila and her friend Aysha. (Rai)

Leila’s pain-filled poem

Anna questions the teacher of Italian of the girl who hands her one written poem from Leila. Behind those words is hidden a dramatic truth. Who is that boy or girl that Leila loved so much and now hates deeply? And what do the butterflies you describe in the writing represent? There pm he assumes that the girl’s sudden change is due to a love trauma. There’s actually much more behind it.

The two truths of Six Women – The Mystery of Leila

The truth come to light during the inspection by Anna and Emanuele to the villa of Polignano, where Leila and her stepfather spent the summers after the death of their mother, which took place in that very house. There they find the butterflies described in the poem (they are not metaphorical) e two truths: one about why Leila fled and one about how it is his mother died. A painful and disturbing reality that shakes Anna and the five women who didn’t know (or pretended not to know?).

